Quantum 106 - Where to go next
The Quantum 100 series has established a solid foundation of creating a game using Quantum however there is much more to learn about Quantum. This section recommends the next steps to follow in your journey with Quantum.
Quantum Manual
The first pages you should read in the manual are the ones covering the Quantum DSL (Domain Specific Language) and the Entity Prototypes. These are at the core of programming in the simulation state and design in the view respectively.
Quantum Samples
The samples showcases many different ways of using Quantum to build various styles of gameplay. From fast paced platformer and racing games to Chess, the API is explored and exemplified and can be used as a starting point. Every sample has a Level tag at the top of it's page which informs how advanced the sample is. Starting with Beginner level samples is the best next step from this point.
The page on Animation in the Manual section presents the two common way to handle animation with Quantum. The most common implementation has been used in the API Sample and can be looked through in the source code of the package.
API Reference
For convenient lookup an API reference, titled PhotonQuantum-Documentation.chm
, is shipped as part of the downloadable SDK packages. It can be found in the top level folder after unpacking the SDK locally.