This document is about: QUANTUM 3

Dynamic Map

Quantum 3 comes with a new map type called Dynamic Map in order to make the customization process of maps at runtime easier.


  • Provides an API for adding and removing static colliders at runtime.
    • Example:
    • C#

      // add
      var meshColliderIndex = dynamicMap.AddMeshCollider(frame, meshCollider);
      // remove
      dynamicMap.RemoveMeshCollider(frame, meshColliderIndex);
  • Clone existing maps and modify them safely.
    • Example:
    • C#

      var dynamicMap = DynamicMap.FromStaticMap(f.Map);
  • Modify static collider triangles at runtime.
    • Example:
    • C#

      using (var scope = dynamicMap.EditMeshTriangles(frame, colliderIndex)) {
        TriangleCCW triangle = new TriangleCCW { A = v0, B = v1, C = v2 };
        if(scope.TryAddTriangle(ref triangle)) {
          Log.Info("Triangle added successfully.");
        else {
          Log.Error("Failed to add triangle.");
  • Optimizes Triangle data for late joiners.
    • Previously, when creating a dynamic map, the triangle data had to be serialized into a separate binary data asset and linked to the map manually.
    • With the new dynamic map system, this is done automatically and does not create any additional assets.
  • Overridable methods for customizing the triangle serialization process.
    • It is now possible to override how the triangles are serialized and deserialized in order to allow further optimization of the data depending on the game context.
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