This document is about: QUANTUM 3




Build 1609 (Jan 14, 2025)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: An issue that could caused late joiners to desync after toggling systems on or off

Build 1599 (Dec 05, 2024)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: An issue that caused exceptions when SceneViewComponents were destroyed before the EntityViewUpdater had a chance to add them properly
  • Fixed: An issue with supporting new and legacy InputSystem by introducing the QuantumUnityInputSystemWithLegacyFallback script
  • Fixed: DynamicMap.RemoveCollider2D now properly updates StaticData.ColliderIndex of moved colliders

Build 1595 (Dec 03, 2024)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: A warning shown in Unity about using obsolete API (EnableTaskProfiler)
  • Fixed: An issue that the QuantumStats prefab was using a Quantum logo from the menu package
  • Fixed: QuantumDotnetProjectSettings - support for Packages/ paths

Build 1594 (Nov 29, 2024)

What's New

  • Added a text viewer for Quantum QTN assets in the Unity inspector
  • Added support for the [OnlyInPrototype] attribute - applied to a field will not include the field in the state object, only in its prototype, an alternative approach is to apply it to a type in [OnlyInPrototype("fieldType", "fieldName")]
  • Added support for ref parameters in Quantum signal arguments
  • Added support for using input in DSL structs and components
  • Added Frame.AddAsset(AssetObject, AssetGuid) and DynamicAssetDB.AddAsset(AssetObject, AssetGuid) - a way of adding dynamic assets with a GUID known ahead of time, the GUID needs to be of AssetGuidType.DynamicExplicit type
  • Added support for multithreading in WebGL if enabled in Unity Editor 6+
  • The Add-Entity-Component menu on QuantumEntityPrototype is now sorted alphabetically and searchable
  • Added a demo input unitypackage that can be used to quickly setup Quantum input for most common game genres
  • QuantumEditorSettings "Enable Task Profiler" build feature - enables task profiler in builds. Behind the scenes, all it does is it adds QUANTUM_REMOTE_PROFILER define
  • QuantumTaskProfilerWindow will now display QUANTUM_REMOTE_PROFILER not defined message in source selection dropdown, if the define is not enabled for the current platform
  • The demo menu now listens to session shutdown events to be able to react on unexpected errors
  • The Quantum graph profiler and the Quantum stats prefabs can now be added to scene using the Quantum menu
  • Added a simple navmesh region import option that directly maps Unity navmesh regions to Quantum navmesh regions, this mode is easy to set up, but the maximum number of regions is limited to 30. Toggle the ImportRegionMode on the navmesh script. The ImportRegion field is marked as obsolete and will automatically be converted to Advanced mode for projects that are upgraded
  • Added new structs IntVector2 and IntVector3 to the Quantum math libraries which can also be used inside the DSL
  • Added an optional maxLength param to BitStream.SerializeArray() and SerializeArrayLength, it can be used to secure for example command deserialization against unwanted large buffer allocations
  • Decoding and encoding can now be done using DeterministicCommandSerializer.TryDecodeCommand() and EncodeCommand() methods
  • Added RotateAround() method to the Transform3D
  • Added GetIterator() method to the RingBuffer<T> class
  • Added CreateRuntimeDeterministicGuid() method to the QuantumUnityDB class to be able to create deterministic Asset GUIDS used by static assets added at runtime to the DB
  • QuantumUnityDB.AddAsset() will now generate a deterministic GUID if none was provided
  • Added the Capacity property to 2D and 3D compound shapes
  • Added RemoveAllColliders3D() and RemoveAllColliders2D() to DynamicMap to remove all colliders in one shot
  • Added Gizmo toggle for debug draw calls (i.e. Draw.Box)
  • Added TriangleCCW.VertexHashMapper, a helper class that can be used to serialize triangles with shared vertices to a ByteStream more efficiently
  • Added ByteSerializerHashMapper<T>, a helper class that can be used in combination with a ByteSerializer to avoid fully serializing multiple instances of the same value
  • Added DynamicMap.SerializeRuntimeTriangles and .DeserializeRuntimeTriangles virtual methods for custom (de-)serialization of runtime triangles
  • Added DynamicMap.TriangleCcwSerializer type, an improved triangle serializer for built-in or custom serialization
  • Added DynamicMap.TriangleSerializer member, an improved triangle serializer for built-in or custom serialization
  • Added an API to DynamicMap to mass reserve colliders and remove triangles


  • QuantumGame.ProfilerSampleGenerated is now obsolete and no longer functional. Use the new callback (CallbackTaskProfilerReportGenerated) instead
  • The QuantumEntityViewComponent does not receive update callbacks anymore when the GameObject or Behavior is disabled
  • Upgraded to Photon Realtime version 5.1.2, see changes-realtime.txt for more details, the updates introduces debug and release dlls and it's best to delete the Photon\PhotonLibs folder before upgrading
  • Systems in SystemsConfig now display system type and name instead of Element <index>
  • Removing TRACE defines from release dLLs
  • QuantumMapDataBaker.UpdateManagedReferenceIds() method is now public, allowing the creation of new entity prototypes during custom map-baking callbacks
  • QEnums are now drawn with Odin-style drop-down
  • QuantumUnityLogger moved to Quantum.Log assembly, use partial QuantumLogInitializer.InitializeUnityLoggerUser to customize
  • Added QUANTUM_LOGLEVEL_* conditional attributes to Log static methods, which means that logs below the current log level will be compiled out completely
  • QUANTUM_LOGLEVEL_TRACE is now obsolete. To enabled trace logs, add QUANTUM_TRACE_* defines or use QuantumEditorSettings editor
  • The QuantumStats UI got a visual upgrade
  • Debug draw (e.g. Draw.Sphere() now respects the scene and game view gizmo toggles
  • Clicking QuickMatch in the sample menu now opens a popup when missing the Photon AppId
  • Unity navmesh import now ignores disabled or deactivated NavMeshLinks and OffmeshLinks
  • Improved the Quantum navmesh baking performance, for example FallbackTriangle generation is now optional by setting NavMeshBakeDataFindClosestTriangle.None
  • The Quantum Hub is now data-driven and can be used by Quantum sample projects
  • QuantumEditorMenuDllToggle now has key methods and properties exposed as public
  • Increased the size of a button on the in-game menu to be more usable on mobile devices
  • Reduced the serialization size of triangles in a DynamicMap

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Dotnet generate project and build on Mac
  • Fixed: An issue that caused the ActorId of clients displayed as 0 on frame snapshots when using sever simulation
  • Fixed: An issue that caused the layer import buttons to not be visible
  • Fixed: An issue that caused creating BinaryAsset spams log with errors, until the file is saved
  • Fixed: An issue that caused the FrameTimer.IsRunning() returning true when it's invalid
  • Fixed: An issue that caused the predicted frames to be used for initial entity view placement and Activate(Frame) callbacks when verified bind behavior was selected
  • Fixed: An issue that caused an error log flood when deleting an entity view controlled by the EntityViewUpdater even when setting ManualDisposal
  • Fixed: An issue that spammed error logs when a disconnect was not detected and the online simulation kept running
  • Fixed: Performance of ShapeConfigDrawer, QuantumEntityPrototypeEditor and QuantumEntityViewEditor improved
  • Fixed: The Asteroids demo now works correctly with HDRP and URP
  • Fixed: Ensure that Asteroids renders correctly in builds for all render pipelines
  • Fixed: An issue in the instant replay demo with the order of cleanup steps that caused the view to dispose before the OnReplayStopped callback
  • Fixed: EntityPrototype had unsorted components trace message when loading prototypes and maps
  • Fixed: QDictionary and QHashSet no longer throw OverflowException in case their respective Key and Value types have a negative hash code and numeric casts are checked by default
  • Fixed: An issue in the 2.1 migration for upgrading AssetObjects to only consider paths from QuantumEditorSettings.AssetSearchPaths
  • Fixed: 2D Edge-Edge false-positive collisions and wrong de-penetration
  • Fixed: Exceptions in the 2D Physics Engine when using polygons inside compound shapes
  • Fixed: An issue in PhysicsEngine2D.Api.CheckOverlap() that modified the rotation of its argument if the shape had a rotation offset
  • Fixed: An issue in the collision detection of two 3D capsules that resulted in different Extents to be used
  • Fixed: An issue that could cause incorrect normal vector computation for capsule-box collision 2D
  • Fixed: An issue that was accepting negative values for capsule 2D
  • Fixed: The drawing of capsules 2D when the extent is greater than the radius
  • Fixed: The penetration computation between two capsules 2D using the radius of the two capsules
  • Fixed: The penetration between the circle and polygon shapes when the contact points are the vertices of the polygon
  • Fixed: An issue in collision detection capsule 3D vs. triangle
  • Fixed: An issue in PhysicsEngine3D.Linecast() vs shapes that was returning the incorrect UserTag
  • Fixed: An issue that could cause FP overflow exceptions on 2D and 3D shape casts with larger objects
  • Fixed: An issue that could cause FP overflow exceptions on raycasts by increasing the range of usable sphere radii and ray lengths
  • Fixed: Issue on DynamicMap.AddCollider2D that was causing 2D Physics Engine to not be properly reset
  • Fixed: DynamicMap.FromStaticMap is now generic
  • Fixed: DynamicMap crashing builds when editing a disabled collider
  • Fixed: DynamicMap.RemoveMeshCollider not updating collider indices correctly
  • Fixed: Invalid 3D collider rotations are automatically set to Identity when being added to the DynamicMap using AddCollider3D()
  • Fixed: An issue in the Unity scripts with QuantumEntityViewUpdater.AddViewComponent() that caused view components to not get added after toggling them on/off
  • Fixed: Preloading Addressables in QuantumRunnerLocalDebug correctly attempts to load AssetObject instead of UnityEngine.Object, only loading the latter will make sure assets are properly preloaded
  • Fixed: Unity scripts leak into dotnet simulation project generation
  • Fixed: Re-exposed the DrawShape2DGizmo and DrawShape3DGizmo methods for usage in user code
  • Fixed: LayerMask inspector overriding property values in multi-select mode
  • Fixed: An issue that caused a stack overflow when baking a scene prototype with EntityRef fields if Quantum 2 migration is enabled
  • Fixed: Incorrect Unity version check for UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh.GetAreaNames
  • Fixed: A typo of field DeltaTimeType inside the QuantumRunnerLocalDebug and QuantumRunnerLocalReplay scripts
  • Fixed: 3D Shape prototypes not displaying Rotation offset field in the Editor
  • Fixed: An issue in the demo menu party screen that failed to connect to party codes
  • Fixed: An issue in the replay menu that prevented replays to be exported when only RecordingFlags.Input were selected
  • Fixed: QuantumMenuConnectionBehaviour.RequestAvailableOnlineRegionsAsync() properly returns a faulted task on errors
  • Fixed: An issue that caused a wrong rotation on the 2D variant of Draw.Rectangle()
  • Fixed: 2D and 3D Collider Prototypes applying scale twice when using a child Source Collider
  • Fixed: An issue that caused changing the scene in the QuantumMenu not to be saved to PlayerPrefs
  • Fixed: An issue in the Quantum menu that caused the preferred region to not be previewed correctly in the main menu
  • Fixed: An issues that caused Frame Heap errors when late-joining with a snapshot when a CompoundShape buffer had been expanded
  • Fixed: Removed debug assertion that expected all inputs to be polled exactly once on the clients, which might not be the case in extreme conditions


Breaking Changes

  • The Quantum SDK is now a unitypackage.
  • Renamed PhotonDeterministic.dll to Quantum.Deterministic.dll and QuantumCore.dll to Quantum.Engine.dll.
  • Upgraded network libraries to Photon Realtime 5 (see Realtime changelog separately).
  • All Unity-only scripts have been put in Quantum namespace and have been given Quantum prefix (e.g. MapData -> QuantumMapData, EntityPrototype -> QuantumEntityPrototype).
  • The PhysicsCollider 2D and 3D components now have a field called Layer Source which defines where the layer info should come from. This might require colliders layers to be set again;
  • The AssetBase class is no longer functional.
  • AssetObject now derive from UnityEngine.ScriptableObject. This means that there is no longer the need for AssetBase wrapper and all the partial AssetBase extensions need to be moved to AssetObject definitions. Tools that migrate asset data without data loss are provided on our website.
  • AssetObjects need to be created with AssetObject.Create<T> or T.Create.
  • To add a new list of assets (e.g. with Addressables), mark a method with [QuantumGlobalScriptableObjectLoaderMethod] attribute.
  • IAssetSerializer interface changed, it also deals with RuntimePlayer and RuntimeConfig serialization
  • AssetObjects referencing other AssetObjects directly (not by AssetRef<T>) are supported, but will no longer be fully serializable by the default IAssetSerializer. This should be a concern for when any non-Unity runner is used or such assets are used in the DynamicDB.
  • More consistent DynamicAssetDB behavior - assets can be added and disposed only during verified frames. Also, AssetObject.Disposed is called whenever a dynamic asset is disposed. Previous behavior can be restored with QuantumGameFlags.EnableLegacyDynamicDBMode game flag
  • Unless QuantumGameFlags.EnableLegacyDynamicDBMode is used, all assets in the DynamicAssetDB will get disposed upon shutting down simulation.
  • Removed "standalone assets" / QPrefabs. They have been fully replaced with standalone prototypes. All _data files should be removed.
  • Removed built-in support for AssetBundles.
  • RuntimeConfig and RuntimePlayer are serialized with Json when send to the server.
  • Added the $type property to Json serialized RuntimeConfig and RuntimePlayer to be able to deserialize the file outside of Unity, use QuantumUnityJsonSerializer.SerializeConfig(Stream stream, IRuntimeConfig config) to export RuntimePlayer and RuntimeConfig or add "$type":"Quantum.RuntimeConfig, Quantum.Simulation" or "$type":"Quantum.RuntimePlayer, Quantum.Simulation" to the respective Jsons.
  • MapDataBakeCallbacks implemented in a custom assembly it has to be made known by adding this [assembly: QuantumMapBakeAssembly] to the script.
  • Changed the timing around the GameStarted callback. It is now only called once per started Quantum session and, when waiting for a snapshot, it will be called after the snapshot has arrived with isResync = true.
  • Collections used in events are now passed by their appropriate pointer type (e.g. list<T> -> QListPtr<T>). Was: Ptr
  • Frame.Heap is no longer a Heap* but instead a reference to a managed FrameHeap instance, which shares the same API and adds allocation tracking capabilities. Direct usages of frame.Heap-> can be replaced by frame.Heap. instead.
  • The default backing type for flags in DSL is now Int32 (was: Int64)
  • Added the isResync parameter to the GameStarted callback (which is true, when the callback is invoked after the game has been re-synced for example after a late-join).
  • Changed QuantumNavMesh.ImportSettings.LinkErrorCorrection type from bool to float (representing a distance).
  • NavMeshRegionMask.HasValidRegions() now returns true for the "MainArea", use HasValidNoneMainRegion instead to only query for non-MainArea regions
  • AppSettings.RealtimeAppId was replaced by AppSettings.QuantumAppId, the Unity inspector will automatically swap them when the PhotonServerSettings asset is inspected.
  • Changed the replay file format and renamed it to QuantumReplayFile, marking the old name obsolete. Asset DB, RuntimeConfig and InputHistory are now saved with a Json friendly wrapper that works around how verbose the Unity Json tool saves byte arrays, reducing the replay file size when saved in Unity a lot,
  • The Quantum3 server will automatically block all non-protocol messages and all Photon Realtime player properties. Unblock them using the Photon dashboard and set BlockNonProtocolMessages and BlockPlayerProperties to false.
  • Removed DeterministicGameMode.Spectating (use Multiplay) because all online Quantum simulation are started in spectating mode by default until a player is added.
  • Also check out other references
    • Migration Guide:
    • What's New:
    • Photon Realtime 5 changelogs (Assets\Photon\PhotonLibs\changes-library.txt, Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\changes-realtime.txt)

What's New

  • Added input delta compression.
  • Increasing minimum Unity version to 2021 LTS.
  • New start online protocol to support adding and removing players at runtime.
  • Added Quantum webhooks for the Photon Public Cloud.
  • Increased maximum player count to 128.
  • Added support for up to 512 components (use #pragma max_components 512 to enable)
  • Added predicted commands.
  • Added support for capsule shapes.
  • Added snapshot interpolation mode for entities.
  • Added QuantumHud window that displays onboarding information and installs Quantum user scripts, assets and demos.
  • Added a new graphical demo menu that can be installed with the QuantumHub and includes MPPM support for Unity 6.
  • Added the Asteroid game sample that can be installed with the QuantumHub.
  • Added a new GUI to toggle Quantum gizmos.
  • Added async support for connection handling.
  • Added support for assets that are neither a Resource nor Addressable. Direct references to such assets are stored in QuantumUnityDB.
  • QuantumUnityDB.Get[Global]AssetGuids - ability to iterate over GUIDs, based on asset types.
  • Added support for netstandard2.1.
  • Added full support for Odin inspector.
  • Polished Quantum Unity inspector and added code documentation foldouts.
  • Added a Newtonsoft-powered Json deserializer can now read [SerializeReferences] (uses the Quantum.Json.dll dependency for non-Unity platforms).
  • Added a data-driven way of adding systems (see SystemsConfig.asset).
  • Added AllowedLobbyProperties dashboard variable to restrict lobby property usage for Photon matchmaking.
  • Added Quantum.Log.dll dependency, which introduces the Quantum.LogType and can clash with UnityEngine.LogType when migrating.
  • Added Quantum debug dll toggle to switch between Debug and Release Quantum dlls in Unity
  • Added position and rotation teleport support for Transform2D, Transform3D and QuantumEntityView.
  • Increased max navmesh region count to 128.
  • Added Frame.PlayerConnectedCount.
  • Added FrameThreadSafe.GetGlobal() extension method.
  • Added EntityViewComponents, a quick way to add view logic to the Quantum entity views.
  • Added entity view pooling (add QuantumEntityViewPool to the EntityViewUpdater game object)
  • Added dotnet Quantum dll build (see QuantumDotnetBuildSettings asset).
  • Added a dotnet console replay runner app project that is generated to the non-Unity simulation project.
  • Added a tool to quickly convert Unity colliders to Quantum colliders GameObject/Quantum/Convert Colliders.
  • Added Quantum Unity script templates.
  • Added DynamicMap core type, a specialization of Map as a Dynamic Asset capable of triggering internal updates when modifying static colliders and of serializing runtime mesh data.


  • Unified CodeGen tools into one that is used from the UnityEditor.
  • Unified QuantumRunner and SessionContainer into the SessionRunner class and moved it to the QuantumGame project.
  • Component prototype suffix has been changed from _Prototype to Prototype.
  • Component prototype wrapper prefix changed from EntityComponent to QPrototype (e.g. EntityComponentTransform2D -> QPrototypeTransform2D).
  • Frame.Assets is now obsolete. Use Frame.FindAsset<T> instead.
  • AssetObjectConfigAttribute is obsoleted and no longer functional.
  • AssetObject is no longer restricted to being in the same assembly as Quantum simulation code. If the simulation code needs to access such assets, it can either use a base class or an interface. This allows AssetObjects to be extended with any Unity-specific data.
  • AssetRefT generated types are now obsolete, use AssetRef<T> instead.
  • asset T; and import asset T; are no longer needed in .qtn files. Any type derived from AssetObject is already a fully functional Quantum asset now and can be used with AssetRef<T> fields.
  • AssetObject.Guid is now deterministic by default, based on Unity's GUID and fileId. When needed can be overridden (e.g. for assets imported from Quantum 2.1) - such overrides are stored in QuantumEditorSettings. Turning AssetGuids deterministic speeds up QuantumUnityDB by an order of magnitude.
  • UnityDB has been obsoleted and AssetResourceContainer has been removed. QuantumUnityDB replaced both and uses more consistent method naming.
  • Prototype assets for new prefabs are created as standalone assets, with EntityPrototype suffix and qprototype extension. This fully decouples loading prototypes during simulation from their source prefab, improving asset load times and avoiding deadlock issues with Unity's job system.
  • All Quantum assets located in asset search paths are now marked with QuantumAsset label.
  • Moved NavMesh baking to the Quantum Simulation project to bake parts deterministically (not the Unity navmesh export).
  • Removed the MovementType.DynamicBody and MovementType.CharacterController2D from the NavmeshAgentConfig. Select MovementType.Callback instead and perform movement during the ISignalOnNavMeshMoveAgent callback. The removed options were only good for prototyping and led to a lot of questions.
  • Changed QuantumNavMesh.BakeData and related data structures to only use fixed point vectors.
  • Replaced non-deterministic code (Triangle Normal Computation) in BakeNavMesh() with fixed point math.
  • Moved navmesh link detection and error correction from BakeNavMesh() to ImportFromUnity(), StartTriangle and EndTriangle now are set on BakeData.Links.
  • The MainArea of the navmesh now has its own valid navmesh region (always index 0) and can be toggled on/off and can be properly used for navmesh queries like LineOfSight() or FindClosestTriangle().
  • Changed BakeNavMesh signature to only use relevant data types.
  • Replaced the signal OnPlayerDataSet(PlayerRef player) with OnPlayerAdded(PlayerRef player, bool firstTime) where firstTime signals this is the first time that this player was assigned..
  • Added OnPlayerRemoved(PlayerRef player) signal.
  • Added a parameter to the GameStarted callback (isResync: true, when the callback is invoked after the game has been re-synced for example after a late-join).
  • Removed the ReleaseProfiler configuration from the code solutions and replacing it with a flag in StartParameters.GameFlags called QuantumGameFlags.EnableTaskProfiler.
  • Removed API that was deprecated in Quantum 2.1.
  • All Quantum Unity MonoBehaviours now derive from QuantumMonoBehaviour.
  • All Quantum Unity ScriptableObjects now derive from QuantumScriptableObject.
  • The state inspector now shows all relevant configs when selecting the Runner.
  • Restructured the Quantum Unity menus.
  • Navigation.Raycast2D() provides information about the border index that generated the closest hit.
  • Reduced the navmesh binary asset size, control the serialization options under NavMesh.SerializeType. By default meta data is now recomputed during runtime, set to NavMeshSerializeType.FullWithMetaData to disable it.
  • Drawing debug shapes for development builds must now be opted in by defining the QUANTUM_DRAW_SHAPES define (QuantumEditorSettings has a shortcut to toggle it).
  • Quantum runtime logging can now be toggled by a LogLevel inside the EditorSettings, the default is WARN.
  • The context LayerInfo is now exposed in FrameThreadSafe.Layers property, similarly to Frame.Layers.
  • Quantum.TypeUtils is now obsolete


Build 1548 (Aug 20, 2024)

  • Initial stable release


Build 1547 (Aug 15, 2024)

What's New

  • Added a unity event callback to the QuantumDebugRunner start sequence
  • DynamicMap can expand existing mesh collider
  • Added a LogLevel toggle button to the main Quantum Hub screen


  • 2D and 3D Physics engines no longer integrate linear velocities that move the transform position out of the FP usable range
  • Instead, a warn will be logged in debug and the velocity will be reset


  • Map TriangleMeshCellSize is now called SceneMeshCellSize and is an FP value instead of Int32


  • Obsolete QuantumEditorSettings.QuantumSolutionPath property, we have not decided if and how we introduce split solution tooling like in Quantum 2

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Update used count when removing mesh collider
  • Fixed: Mark free triangles as serializable
  • Fixed: Apply rotations to navmesh links
  • Fixed: The contact point from edge shapes collision in 2D. It was not being converted to the world space
  • Fixed: Refactor MeshTriangleVerticesCcw to allow for simulation baking
  • Fixed: Static box collider rotation offset was calculated incorrectly
  • Fixed: Script compilation errors for Unity 2022.1
  • Fixed: An issue that prevented the frame differ to work during checksum errors
  • Fixed: The collision between capsule 2D and edges when they are parallel

Build 1543 (Aug 05, 2024)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Exception: MemoryIntegrity Check Failed: globals.PlayerConnectedCount overlaps previous field globals.PhysicsSettings on type Quantum.globals error
  • Fixed: The type or namespace name 'IntPtr' could not be found error when making a il2cpp build

Build 1542 (Aug 02, 2024)

What's New

  • Physics ShapeCastMinIterations setting to Simulation Config
  • Add QoL methods to FrameTimer
  • Added XY Toggle to Hub
  • AddMeshCollider() include for pos and rot
  • 2D and 3D JointPrototype.Materialize overloads that receive anchor references instead of a PrototypeMaterializationContext
  • Support to physics QueryOptions and CallbackFlags in the DSL and generated prototypes


  • Physics Shape Cast accuracy when very close to a collider at the cast origin
  • FrameTimer helper methods and properties, along with improvements to the API doc


  • CodeGen - an error is raised if a struct nested in input definition has button field. button fields are only meant to be used directly
  • Assemblies added to the QuantumDotnetProjectSettings.IncludePaths or marked with QuantumDotnetInclude are added as references to the exported project
  • [RangeEx] attribute supports FP properties
  • When removing a component T or destroying an entity that Has<T>, ComponentCount<T> is now reduced after component-remove signals are invoked instead of before
  • Changing the coding conventions of script templates to a more common C# style
  • Renamed PrototypeMaterializationContext.ComponentTypeIndex to ComponentTypeId
  • Terrain Collider now detects degenerate triangles, logs a warning and does not bake them into the serialized mesh

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: 3D Shape Cast queries with DetectOverlapsAtCastOrigin option not working correctly for 3D mesh hits
  • Fixed: AsteroidsWaveSpawnerSystem
  • Fixed: Removed halfHeight from Draw2DCapsuleShape when QUANTUM_XY
  • Fixed: The LineIntersectsAABB function was setting the Y size of AABB as the same values as X
  • Fixed: The size of capsules and circles when using the function Debug.Draw
  • Fixed: Issue with component Filters that caused the 'any' filter rule to be disregarded and the 'without' rule be used in its place
  • Fixed: Using entity_ref in input causing "Fixed size input (size: X) is enabled but input size we got was Y" errors
  • Fixed: Warnings in SimulationConfig in standalone project
  • Fixed: Using unions in input causing "Fixed size input (size: X) is enabled but input size we got was Y" errors
  • Fixed: The penetration correction when an object collides with multiple triangles
  • Fixed: QuantumGameFlags.EnableTaskProfiler flag having an opposite effect: not passing it in SessionRunner.Arguments.GameFlags enabled the profiler, passing it in - disabled
  • Fixed: Inconsistent naming of parameters in GetEventTypeCodeGen
  • Fixed: GC allocs on entering each task profiler section, if task profiler is enabled
  • Fixed: Prototype assets of variant prefabs not being updated if base prefab adds/removes component prototypes
  • Fixed: Quantum Task Profiler data is saved as .dat,json and cannot be loaded without manually renaming it
  • Fixed: Quantum DB Window does not respect the ‘Sync Selection’ option and always syncs selection
  • Fixed: Making the Asteriods sample work in QUANTUM_XY mode
  • Fixed: Added Preserve attribute to all Asteroids systems
  • Fixed: QuantumEditorSettings now has a toggle for Quantum XY
  • Fixed: The collision between capsule 2D and polygon generates normal vectors to the opposite side to the closest edge
  • Fixed: An issue that caused SceneViewComponents to be initialized twice when located as a child of EntityViewUpdater and the Updater field was set
  • Fixed: Adding the Preserve attribute to system templates

Build 1523 (Jul 10, 2024)

Breaking Changes

  • FP multiplication is now rounded instead of being truncated, i.e. rounded towards negative infinity

What's New

  • FP.FromRoundedFloat_UNSAFE
  • Extension methods ToRoundedFP, ToRoundedFPVector2 and ToRoundedFPVector3
  • 2D and 3D Compound Shape method to ReserveCapacity
  • HostProfiler.CreateMarker - allows for a lower overhead profiling by creating markers ahead of time


  • Upgraded Photon Realtime to version 5.0.10
  • HostProfiler.Init - pass an implementation of IHostProfiler rather than a set of delegates


  • HostProfiler.Start/EndThread
  • 2D and 3D CollisionResultInfo.InvertResult is now internal. The .Normal field already takes the inverted flag into account

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: An issue with QuantumEntityView that caused the error correction to initially glitch in some situations
  • Fixed: StateInspector - adding components crashing the editor
  • Fixed: DynamicMap.FromStaticMap() does not maintain AllRuntimeTriangles key
  • Fixed: Typo in InstantReplayConfig.LengthSeconds
  • Fixed: 2D and 3D Spring Joint damping ratio not being configurable on the editor
  • Fixed: Migration: initial CodeGen not emitting AssetObject stubs correctly
  • Fixed: Migration: prefab variants occasionally left unaffected by guid transfer / restoring asset data

Build 1519 (Jul 02, 2024)

Breaking Changes

  • FP constant values have been updated to be closer to their target values PiInv, PiTimes2, PiOver2, PiOver2Inv, PiOver4, Pi3Over4 , Pi4Over3, Deg2Rad, _0_02, _0_03, _0_04, _0_05, _0_10, Rad_360, Rad_90, Rad_45, Rad_22_50, _1_02, _1_05, _1_10, EN1, EN3, EN4, EN5, Epsilon, Log2_10


  • Upgraded Photon Realtime to version 5.0.9 (26. June 2024)
  • DebugMesh is obsolete now, use QuantumMeshCollider.Global instead
  • Unlit/Quantum Debug Draw renamed to Unlit/Quantum Debug
  • Moved the shader file QuantumDebugDraw.shader to Assets/Photon/Quantum/Runtime/RuntimeAssets
  • The Quantum Hub installation button is no longer disabled when the installation is detected as complete
  • Iterating DynamicAssetDB is much more performant, but still allocates
  • IResourceManager extensions now use generics to avoid virtual calls
  • Quantum.Json and standalone projects now support ISerializationCallbackReceiver interface
  • Added Odin.Serialization and Odin.Attributes assembly references to Quantum.Simulation. As all assembly references are optional (unless there are compile errors), a project does not need to have Odin installed
  • Photon.Deterministic.PersistentMap refactored. It is no longer IEquatable, implements visitor pattern and enumeration is much more performant, thought it still allocates a bit
  • Assets in DynamicAssetDB are now reference-counted. Counters are shared by DB instances that are linked to each other due to copy constructor or DynamicAssetDB.CopyFrom. Assets are disposed when their reference count drops to zero, due to DynamicAssetDB.ReplaceAsset, DynamicAssetDB.DisposeAsset, DynamicAssetDB.Dispose (entire db disposal) or DynamicAssetDB.CopyFrom (due to releasing the old state). Note that none of this applies if legacy mode is used


  • The folder Assets/Photon/Quantum/Resources/Gizmos can be deleted as well as the asset Assets/Photon/Quantum/Resources/QuantumShapes2D.fbx
  • Unused code from Native
  • QuantumGameFlags.EnableLegacyDynamicDBMode - pass in a dynamic DB constructed with legacy mode instead

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: The contact point position in the collision check between capsule and polygon 2D
  • Fixed: The normal direction of the shape cast when the flag DetectOverlapsAtCastOrigin is enabled
  • Fixed: DynamicMap FromStaticMap not binding Entity Views
  • Fixed: SetTriangleUnchecked updates collider index
  • Fixed: The capsule 2D penetration in the corner of then box when the capsule rotation is frozen
  • Fixed: Mesh removal includes AllRuntimeTriangles
  • Fixed: An issue that caused the Quantum graph shaders to not work for VR
  • Fixed: An issue that caused to close the connection at the end of the Quantum online session, although ShutdownConnectionOptions.None was selected
  • Fixed: Made the menu config scene info entries work without setting an explicit Name
  • Fixed: An issue how switching to a DynamicMap affected the scene entities and views of the source map. Now they are left intact and are only removed when switching to a regular map
  • Fixed: BitStream missing ushort extension method
  • Fixed: An issue in the InstantReplayDemo that prevented the replay from successfully restarting/looping etc
  • Fixed: A compilation error when scripting define QUANTUM_REMOTE_PROFILER is enabled
  • Fixed: NavMesh Gizmos throwing null when starting Quantum

Build 1514 (Jun 18, 2024)

  • Initial release
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