This document is about: FUSION 1


Connection Manager

Available in the Industries Circle
Fusion Industries prototyping Addons


The ConnectionManager addon is in charge to manage the connection launch and spawn the user representation.
It should be added on the same game object of the Runner. It no runner is found, it will be added on runtime.

The first setting to select is the topology used in the application: it can be Shared mode or Server/Host mode.

You can also select the room selection criterias :

  • it can be a simple room name,
  • or a list of session properties. Each session property is composed of a Property Name and Value pair.

The number of players allowed to connect when running in Server/Host mode can be limited thanks to the Player Count value.

Thanks to the INetworkRunnerCallbacks, the player's prefab is spawned when the user joined the session :

  • by the local player in Shared mode,
  • by the server in Server/Host mode.

In Server/Host mode, on disconnection, the server has to despawn the player's network object.


To illustrate the usage, two demo scene can be found in Assets\Photon\FusionAddons\ConnectionManager\Demo\Scenes\ folder :

  • RoomNameConnection to show how to establish a connection with a room name,
  • SessionPropertiesConnection to show how to establish a connection with session properties.

Simply look at theConnectionManager component on the Runner game object.


This addon latest version is included into the addon project

Supported topologies

  • shared mode
  • host mode


  • Version 1.0.2: Namespace modification
  • Version 1.0.1: Add namespace
  • Version 1.0.0: First release
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