This document is about: FUSION 2

Touch & Hover

Available in the Industries Circle
Fusion Industries prototyping Addons

This addon provides several classes to manage touch and hover actions on objects and UI elements. Those events can be triggered offline, and are not synched over the network: if it is required, the sync has to be done in the components listening to the various callbacks.

fusion touch and hover



The Toucher class detects Touchable components (object implementing the ITouchable interface) in contact. It must be place under an HardwareHand to manage haptic feedback properly, typically on both hands of the hardware rig. This class uses the Unity OnTrigger events to inform Touchable objects with methods :

  • OnToucherContactStart()
  • OnToucherStay()
  • OnToucherContactEnd()


BeamToucher simulates a touch when the player uses the beam and presses the trigger button. It is used to interact with Touchable objects or UI elements (button & sliders). It must be place under an HardwareHand, typically on both hands of the hardware & desktop rigs. Please note that a RayBeamer is required on the game object as the BeamToucher class is listening to the RayBeamer callbacks.

The Touchable object type can be filtered thanks to the TouchableComponents enum.


The Touchable class allows to touch an object with a Toucher or a BeamToucher, and trigger onTouch & onUnTouch events. It should be associated with a trigger Collider in order to trigger Unity OnTrigger events. The isToggleButton boolean is used to specify whether this is a toggle-type button. This class can change the object material when it is touched and uses the Feedback addon to play audio and/or haptic feedback.



TouchableCanvas searchs for UI element in game object children in order to add touch interaction capability. This avoid to edit each UI manually. To do so, a prefab must be provided for UI elements concerned (button, slider or inputfield).


UITouchButton is used to add VR 3D button interaction on a UI button. A BoxCollider is required on the game object. The size of the BoxCollider is changed to the size of the UI button to generate a corresponding 3D button collider. When the player touches the 3D button box collider, the OnTouch event of the Touchable class is forwarded to the UI button.


In the same way as the UITouchButton for UI buttons, TouchableSlider adds support to VR touch interaction to a UI slider. It should be stored as a child of a slider to give touch capabilities to it. This class uses the Feedback addon to play audio and haptic feedback.



BeamHoverer simulates an hover when the player activate the beam and hover an object. It is used to interact with BeamHoverable objects. It must be place under an HardwareHand object, typically on both hands of the hardware & desktop rigs. Please note that a RayBeamer is required on the game object as the BeamHoverer class is listening to the RayBeamer callbacks.


The BeamHoverable class allows to hover an object with a BeamHoverer, and trigger onBeamHoverStart, onBeamRelease & onBeamHoverEnd events. It should be associated with a trigger Collider in order to trigger Unity OnTrigger events. This class can change the object material when it is hovered and uses the Feedback addon to play audio and/or haptic feedback. It is also possible to choose an object to activate/deactivate depending on the hover state.


  • Feedback addon


A demo scene can be found in the Assets\Photon\FusionAddons\Touchable\Demo\Scenes\ folder.


This addon latest version is included into the Industries addon project

Supported topologies

  • shared mode


  • Version 2.1.2: Small fix in Touchable to manage object deletion
  • Version 2.1.1: Remove dependency in Demo prefab
  • Version 2.1.0: Move toucher to XRShared add-on
  • Version 2.0.0: First release
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