This document is about: FUSION 1

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SDK & 릴리즈 노트

Fusion SDK 받기


버전 릴리즈 일자 다운로드
1.1.10 Stable Aug 05, 2024 Fusion SDK 1.1.10 Stable Build 848 릴리즈 노트

SDK 업데이트

  1. 전체 프로젝트가 백업되었는지 확인합니다(가능하면 모든 소스 컨트롤 시스템을 통해 진행하세요).
  2. *\Photon 폴더를 삭제합니다.
  3. 새로운 SDK 패키지를 임포트합니다.
  4. 변경 내용을 다음 파일로 되돌립니다:
    1. *\Photon\Fusion\Resources\NetworkProjectConfig.fusion;
    2. *\Photon\Fusion\Resources\PhotonAppSettings.asset.


  • 유니티 2020.3 또는 그 이상
  • Asset Serialization은 반드시 텍스트로 설치되어 있어야 합니다 (Project Settings > Editor > Asset Serialization, Mode = Force Text).
  • Mono.Cecil (the com.unity.nuget.mono-cecil@1.10.2 패키지는 프로젝트에 누락되어 있으면 패키지 관리자를 통해서 수동으로 추가할 수 있습니다).
백그라운드에서 실행은 일부 렌더 파이프라인에서 기본적으로 사용 불가로 되어 있습니다. Project Settings > Player > Resolution and Presentation에서 사용으로 할 수 있습니다.

지원되는 플랫폼

  • Microsoft Windows
  • macOS (Intel 64 & Apple Silicon, 상세 내용은 아래에)
  • WebGL
  • Android (Quest 포함)
  • iOS
  • Linux
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X & S
  • PS4
  • PS5

상세 내용에 대해서는 연락 주세요.

macOS에서 추가 설정

유니티가 MacOS에서 NanoSockets lib Import Settings를 자동으로 설정하지 않을 수 있습니다. 이 문제가 발생하고 MacOS 시스템에서 실행 중이거나 빌드 하는 동안 문제가 나타나면 수동으로 해결할 수 있습니다:

SDK 컨텐츠

릴리즈 노트



Build 848 (Aug 05, 2024)

What's New

  • NetworkRunner.IsInSession
  • NetworkRunner.CloudConnectionLost
  • Support to quick Reconnect and Rejoin Session
  • Ability to use cached best region summary to speed up runner startup
  • Support for multiple Custom STUN Servers


  • Photon Realtime SDK to
  • Review Realtime Disconnect Timeout
  • Photon Cloud Ping Interval to 200ms
  • Incompatible Configuration Message Review
  • Extra Info when Disconnect Player from Session

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Remove not found NetworkBehavior
  • Fixed: NetworkMecanimAnimator triggers syncing inconsistently
  • Fixed: Out of Range on NetworkBehaviour.NetworkDeserialize
  • Fixed: Sending Request to only single STUN Server
  • Fixed: Some types that fail to load do not prevent Fusion from registering discovered SimulationBehaviours and NetworkInputs
  • Fixed: Fix for too aggressive sequencing bounds check



Build 829 (May 09, 2024)


  • Photon Realtime SDK to
  • Max payload size for RPC to 512 bytes
  • RPCs are culled if payload size is over RpcAttribute.MaxPayloadSize bytes
  • Implementeed packet throttling to 2 packets/second when client vanishes
  • Made IAfterPhysicsSyncTransforms callbacks public and Made NRB.CopyRigidbodyFromBufferToEngine() protected

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetAddress.CreateFromIpPort should ignore IPv6 Scope ID
  • Fixed: Single STUN Server Handling
  • Fixed: Fusion stats displaying snapshot size in bits instead of bytes in shared mode
  • Fixed: GetDrawerTypeForTypeDelegate error in Unity 2022.3.23 or newer
  • Fixed: Client stops receiving updates after connection freeze
  • Fixed: Typo in RpcLocalInvokeResult.TargetPlayerIsNotLocal (was: RpcLocalInvokeResult.TagetPlayerIsNotLocal)
  • Fixed: Occasional NullReferenceException when multiple objects are spawned and immediately despawned
  • Fixed: NetworkPrefabTable not auto-refreshing when importing prefabs that already have FusionPrefab label (e.g. incoming from version control)
  • Fixed: Unity introduced change in newer versions where AddComponent<UI.Text> at runtime results in a null font. This is now checked for and default font is applied as needed
  • Fixed: Editor freezing on prefab rename
  • Fixed: FusionStats Average Per Second handling in Shared Mode corrected to use correct time range. Previously was showing smaller than correct averages due to Shared Clients mixing of Local and Remote times
  • Fixed: NetworkDebugStart will now correctly start in Shared Mode when set to Automatic



Build 725 (Jul 19, 2023)


  • Made AccuracyDefaults.TryGetAccuracy and GetAccuracyOrThrow methods public
  • If RPC returns RpcInvokeInfo, no error will be logged if target or flags prevent the RPC from being sent

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Not being able to send RPCs after State Authority has been requested and granted
  • Fixed: Shared Mode: RPCs invoked in NetworkBehaviour.Spawned not being called on remote clients
  • Fixed: Angle AngleLerp method now returns correct value if a and b are equal
  • Fixed: "Apply" button doing nothing when entering Play mode with NetworkProjectConfig having unsaved changes



Build 709 (Jun 15, 2023)

What's New

  • HitboxRoot.DeRegister method to manually de-register the root colliders from the lag-compensation system
  • Allow to subclass NetworkPhysicsSimulation2D and NetworkPhysicsSimulation3D to override PhysicsSimulationDeltaTime, which defines the delta-time used to update the physics simulation. By default, set to be Runner.Simulation.DeltaTime
  • StartGameArgs.UseDefaultPhotonCloudPorts


  • Photon Realtime SDK to v4.1.6.23
  • JoinSessionLobby to include useDefaultCloudPorts argument

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Minor alloc in NetSocketHybrid.Receive in Debug build
  • Fixed: An alloc each frame in NetworkRunner.RegisterNetworkCallbacks if it contains no callbacks
  • Fixed: Added fallback for Arial.ttf font. New Unity 2022 for Mac uses LegacyRuntime.ttf instead
  • Fixed: NotifyWindowFull does not respect Connection Timeout
  • Fixed: "Assembly already referenced" warning emit by ILWeaver (XBoxOne)
  • Fixed: Ensure that RigidBody's isKinematic value stays always to true on clients with server only physics
  • Fixed: Reeze after long pause
  • Fixed: Ensure that parent NetworkTransform move before their children, to avoid problems for children that do not move often (the offset to the parent could otherwise be applied erroneously by Unity, due to its parent move, after a child moved first to its world position)
  • Fixed: Ensure that, in shared topology, the NetworkTransform moves stays smooth during initialization even if the scene startup induces some frame freezes
  • Fixed: NetworkMecanimAnimator now caches hashes for parameters, eliminating AnimatorControllerParameter.nameHash calls in hotpaths



Build 696 (Mar 29, 2023)

What's New

  • INetworkStruct interface to Fusion.Tick
  • NetworkSceneManagerBase.TryGetSceneRef and NetworkSceneManagerBase.TryGetScenePath
  • Addressables support to NetworkSceneManagerDefault. To enable define FUSION_USE_ADDRESSABLES. Addressable scenes need to be added to AddressableScenes array. SceneRef for added scenes becomes the sum of a scene's index in this array and AddressableSceneRefOffset property. To load addressable scenes, simply use NetworkRunner.SetActiveScene with either a correct SceneRef or the addressable scene path


  • Improved the performance of 2D and 3D NetworkRigidbody behaviours by preventing multiple calls to SyncTransforms
  • Reduced bandwidth consumption of 2D and 3D NetworkRigidbody behaviours


  • Made lag compensation buffer only advance when registering a new tick
  • If CopyBackingFieldsToState is overridden and the base type is not NetworkBehaviour, it needs to call the base method
  • Remove support for Beta SDKs

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue in the NetworkTransform interpolation in Shared Mode that could cause the local buffer of states for interpolation to grow, increasing memory consumption
  • Fixed: Issue in the NetworkTransform interpolation in Shared Mode when pausing the editor time that could cause proxies to be delayed relative to their sources
  • Fixed: ILWeaver not releasing all the referenced DLLs before exiting
  • Fixed: Possible NullReferenceException when using implicit NetworkBehaviour -> NetworkBehaviourId cast operator
  • Fixed: Set PlayerTTL to 0 to avoid delay in reconnect
  • Fixed: "return pattern of RpcInvokeInfo not recognised" error when using RpcInvokeInfo
  • Fixed: subtickAccuracy parameter with different names in LagCompensation.PositionRotation overloads
  • Fixed: This difference could cause a cast from PlayerRef from/to int and the usage of the wrong overload depending on the parameter name if specified in the method call
  • Fixed: LagCompensation BVH check if the root is being reused by NetworkObjectPool
  • Fixed: OnChanged in generic types no longer causes ILWeaverException
  • Fixed: Test: Disabled NetworkRunnerExtenstions test (was non-functional)
  • Fixed: Behaviour Id valid range check on NetworkRunner.TryFindBehaviour(NetworkBehaviourId, out NetworkBehaviour)
  • Fixed: NetworkRigidBody does not change velocities when its RigidBody is kinematic, to avoid warnings on Unity 2022
  • Fixed: NetworkRunner is not being removed from Instances if not Started
  • Fixed: Linker errors related to CopyBackingFieldsToState when generic types are used as base types
  • Fixed: Prefab order being locale-dependent
  • Fixed: Added null check when comparing state authority during object spawn in shared mode
  • Fixed: All folders ending with Resources incorrectly recognized as Resources folders, making some of the contained prefabs unspawnable
  • Fixed: "unresolved external symbol" runtime errors if an abstract class deriving from NetworkBehaviour has no [Networked] properties
  • Fixed: Issue in the resolution of lag-compensated sphere overlaps that could cause hits to be missed, introduced on build 1.1.5 F 624 and also present on build 640



Build 640 (Nov 30, 2022)

What's New

  • StartGameResult.ErrorMessage
  • NetworkArray<T>.GetRef(int) - an extension method that returns a reference to a selected element. Limited to unmanaged types, throws NotSupportedException if the type is not trivially copyable (e.g. floats with non-zero accuracy, types using methods with NetworkSerializeMethod attribute for serialization)


  • Photon Realtime SDK to v4.1.6.20
  • Expose MatchmakingMode via StartGameArgs

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Missing Session Update on Player Enter/Left
  • Fixed: Update Session Properties on Host Migration
  • Fixed: ILWeaver now allows for = default initialization syntax for [Networked] properties of struct type
  • Fixed: ILWeaver depending on unpredictable order in which assemblies are post-processed
  • Fixed: Lag-compensated sphere overlaps against box-shaped hitboxes and box overlaps against sphere-shared hitboxes now correctly return the hit point and normal
  • Fixed: Inspecting NetworkObject altering values of fields holding initial values. Define FUSION_DISABLE_NBEDITOR_PRESERVE_BACKING_FIELDS to restore the old behaviour
  • Fixed: Unity stripping ReadWriteUtilsForWeaver methods used for interpolation when High code stripping level is selected
  • Fixed: Nested objects state memory not being released in some cases



Build 609 (Nov 01, 2022)

Breaking Changes

  • Restored INetworkObjectPool.ReleaseInstance being called when nested NetworkObject is despawned/destroyed explicitly (removed in 1.1.3 Nightly 586). The default pool implementation calls UnityEngine.Object.Destroy in such case. Custom pool implementation should check NetworkObject.IsSpawnedPrefabRoot/NetworkObject.IsSpawnedPrefabNestedObject properties to adjust its behaviour if despawning/destroying nested objects is used

What's New

  • New NetworkTransform interpolation algorithm for Shared Mode, addressing known issues and limitations with the legacy one, which can still be used if configured like so in the NT behaviour

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with aoi after player leave sand rejoins on same slot



Build 599 (Oct 18, 2022)
  • Releasing 1.1.3 Stable


Build 597 (Oct 18, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Change Session Flags to same value breaks updates
Build 596 (Oct 14, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: "Failed to get user type word count" weaver error when referencing types from other weaved asmdefs
Build 594 (Oct 12, 2022)


  • Cloud Resend and Disconnect Timeout Settings
Build 593 (Oct 11, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Invalid cached NetAddress
Build 591 (Oct 07, 2022)


  • Reuse NetworkID from Resume NO on Host Migration
  • NetworkObject.CopyStateFrom now also copy State from nested NetworkObjects

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Memory Access Violation when releasing Envelopes
Build 590 (Oct 06, 2022)


  • Implicit cast of PlayerRef to bool is now marked as obsolete, will be removed in next stable release

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: An issue where mixing reliable and unreliable RPCs could prevent RPCs from being handled at all for a client with poor network conditions
Build 589 (Oct 05, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkId/NetworkBId documentation snippets

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: OrderBefore and OrderAfter attributes being removed when High Managed Stripping Level is selected
Build 588 (Oct 04, 2022)


  • Added Serializable attribute to NetworkId
  • PhotonCloud PlayerTTL set to 15sec

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Unable to Update Session Properties
Build 586 (Sep 29, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: SetPlayerObject after Host Migration
  • Fixed: Nested NetworkObjects in prefabs not being attached to in Shared mode
  • Fixed: Nested NetworkObjects not being detached when NetworkRunner.Despawn and custom INetworkObjectPool are used
Build 585 (Sep 28, 2022)

What's New

  • NanoSockets for tvOS
  • NetworkPosition behaviour, streamlined version of NetworkTransform without interpolation logic or rotation synchronization


  • Added null Runner check on NetworkRigidbody2D.Rigidbody Initializer
Build 584 (Sep 27, 2022)


  • Null check on Rigidbody Initializer
  • Increased Join Message timeout to 15secs
Build 583 (Sep 24, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NullReferenceException when initializing a network object with a nested and disabled 2D or 3D NetworkRigidbody
  • Fixed: IndexOutOfBounds when removing NO from Interest List
  • Fixed: NO Destroy Assert Check
Build 582 (Sep 22, 2022)

What's New

  • Lag Compensation HitboxRoot behaviours now have configuration flags exposed


  • Force SessionInfo Update after joining Session

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Mem Alloc when checking STUN Message
Build 581 (Sep 21, 2022)

What's New

  • Fusion.Log.LogLevel
  • StartGameArgs.IsOpen
  • StartGameArgs.IsVisible



Build 579 (Sep 19, 2022)
  • Marking 1.1.2 final


Build 578 (Sep 17, 2022)


  • Relay Connection Protocol Override
Build 577 (Sep 14, 2022)

What's New

  • NanoSockets for Android x86_64
  • IBeforeHitboxRegistration callback, called before the Lag-compensation HitboxManager registers a snapshot of the hitboxes


  • Lag-compensation's HitboxManager behaviour execution is now ordered after the 2D and 3D NetworkPhysics behaviours by default (not mandatory). Doing so ensures that NRBs with hitboxes will be moved by physics before the hitboxes are registered
Build 575 (Sep 10, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Missing NetworkMecanAnimator null check added for no AnimationController on Animator
Build 574 (Sep 09, 2022)

What's New

  • StartGameArgs.CustomPublicAddress


  • Log StartGameArgs at StartGame

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkRunner.GetPlayerConnectionToken to get Local Token
  • Fixed: Limite Max Ticks per Update
Build 573 (Sep 08, 2022)

What's New

  • IAfterSpawned: implement to get a call when a block of NetworkObjects (scene objects, remote spawns, object hierarchy) is done calling Spawned. Allows to recreate a pattern similar to Unity's Awake-Start (Spawned-AfterSpawned)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Null check added to NetworkMecanAnimator for missing Animator component
Build 572 (Sep 06, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Client never catch up Simulation on low FPS
  • Fixed: GetPlayerConnectionToken now returns the connection token for the local player on a client also
  • Fixed: FusionStats GraphMaxWidth field was disabled when it should have been enabled. Changed default Graphs
Build 571 (Sep 05, 2022)


  • Re-work STUN Addr Check

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: IndexOutOfRangeException if using Max Allowed Players
Build 569 (Sep 02, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkPrefabTable.Unload and NetworkPrefabTable.UnloadAll - a way to unload prefab instances loaded by Fusion

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Occasional "Collection was modified" exception with Multi-Peer
  • Fixed: Lag-compensation hitbox snapshot history picking the newest snapshot instead of the oldest when the desired tick is older than the oldest snapshot available
  • Fixed: New MasterClient not receiving StateAuth from old MasterClient
Build 568 (Sep 01, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Code-generated methods lacking PreserveAttribute and being possibly stripped out
Build 567 (Aug 31, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkRunner.LobbyInfo.Region field

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkMecanAnimator now caches WordCount for Animator at development time. Scene objects had an issue scanning the Animator for properties at runtime
  • Fixed: Assertion error in the HitboxSnapshot structure (lag-compensation) when performing multiple queries with sub-tick accuracy on the same tick (introduced on build 564)
Build 566 (Aug 29, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Use of Delays causing a stall
Build 565 (Aug 26, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: WebGL Invalid Memory Access
  • Fixed: Linux Build Delay issues
Build 564 (Aug 23, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Lag-compensated snapshots not immediately releasing temp colliders used when sub-tick accuracy was requested, increasing the usage of the hitbox capacity proportionally to the number of queries performed
Build 562 (Aug 22, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Potential memory free bug in area of interest
  • Fixed: Texture GUID conflict between DebugStart skin and FusionHub skin
  • Fixed: Missing null check in RunnerVisibilityNode.cs added
Build 560 (Aug 20, 2022)

What's New

  • Holding Shift, Alt, Ctr/Cmd key while clicking Visibility or Input Provider icons in the Runner Visibility Controls window will solo that Runner


  • NetworkDebugStartUI background made opaque for consistency across Mac/PC and general easier readability of UI
Build 559 (Aug 18, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: WebGL Builds not updating Sessions
Build 558 (Aug 17, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Rpcs not being sent to other peers for some objects in Shared mode
Build 557 (Aug 17, 2022)


  • Removed the automatic SimulationCulling setting. If you need to/want to cull objects dynamically from having FixedUpdateNetwork/etc called, use the new NetworkRunner.SetSimulationState method

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Scene Objects not being attached to in some scenarios
  • Fixed: Per-object interest groups not working
Build 556 (Aug 15, 2022)

Breaking Changes

  • ILWeaverSettings is no longer static class. Partial user class definitions may need to be updated


  • Moving config in the project no longer requires ILWeaverSettings.OverrideNetworkProjectConfigPath being implemented
Build 555 (Aug 12, 2022)

What's New

  • Added distance based priority send scheduling when using area of interest
  • Added round-robin priority scheduler for object sends when not using area of interest
  • NetworkRunner.PushHostMigrationSnapshot


  • NetworkObjectConnectionDataStatus enum is no longer public

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with client input redundancy consuming too much bandwidth (especially in VR games with big input structs)
  • Fixed: Issue with SetPlayerObject mapping not being replicated when area of interest was being used
  • Fixed: Issue with 'All Players' interested mode not working in shared mode properly
  • Fixed: NetCommandConnect Size Check
  • Fixed: SharedMode: StateAuthority being potentially lost when running under poor network conditions
Build 554 (Aug 11, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Dispose order on NetBitBufferBlock causing rare crash on ARM
  • Fixed: WarnIfAttribute render order changed to work in Unity 2020 and 2021 both
Build 552 (Aug 09, 2022)

What's New

  • Client UniqueId Support
Build 549 (Aug 04, 2022)


  • SessionProperty.Convert throw exception if type not supported

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Missing NullCheck when building Session Custom Properties
  • Fixed: Missing NetAddress.CreateFromIpPort args validation
Build 548 (Aug 03, 2022)


  • Removed NanoSockets VCRuntime Dependency
Build 546 (Jul 28, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Potential NullReferenceException when performing a lag-compensated query against a HitboxRoot that is alive but has a network Object that is not alive
Build 545 (Jul 27, 2022)

What's New

  • Support to Session Creation Control
  • SimulationBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour property shortcuts for HasStateAuthority, HasInputAuthority and IsProxy added. Runner.Tick shortcut added
Build 543 (Jul 25, 2022)


  • Old NanoSockets libs for macOS

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NanoSockets signature for macOS
  • Fixed: TickRate increasing with each Play Mode enter when Domain Reloading is off
  • Fixed: Mixing OnChanged callbacks for statically and dynamically defined properties
Build 542 (Jul 24, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Fixxed isssues with NetBitBuffer and burst delta compressor
Build 540 (Jul 22, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkRunner.Shutdown invoked in DisconnectedFromServer callback not preventing simulation from updating
Build 539 (Jul 21, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Removed all pre-allocation of packet buffers
Build 538 (Jul 20, 2022)

What's New

  • Experimental support for disabled Domain Reloading for faster Enter Play Mode

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkProjectConfig inspector's Apply and Revert buttons being permanently disabled
Build 537 (Jul 19, 2022)


  • NetworkRunner.AddPlayerAreaOfInterest() argument renamed from radius to extent, to better reflect the rectangular nature of the query

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Local prefab being occasionally respawned when the spawn is followed by a despawn in next update (shared mode)
Build 535 (Jul 14, 2022)


  • Renamed Fusion/Rebuild Object Table to Fusion/Rebuild Prefab Table
  • Renamed Rebuild Object Table (slow) button label in config inspector to Rebuild Prefab Table.
    Rename: NetworkProjectConfigUtilities.RebuildObjectTable to NetworkProjectConfigUtilities.RebuildPrefabTable
  • Prefabs list in the config inspector is read-only
Build 534 (Jul 13, 2022)

What's New

  • Lag-compensated API now has a ResolveQuery method. Respective query settings can be created through RaycastQuery., SphereOverlapQuery. and BoxOverlapQuery.CreateQuery methods
  • Lag-compensated queries now support an optional delegate to pre-process hitbox roots candidates resultant from the query's broad-phase resolution
  • HitOptions.IgnoreInputAuthority, a lag-compensated query option that can be used to automatically ignore hitbox roots which the player performing the query (if specified) has input authority over


  • UnitAttribute unit overlay adapts to width of field in inspector, and will use abbreviated unit names at smaller sizes
Build 533 (Jul 12, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkObjectPredictionKey.AsFloat field changed to type float (was unintentionally byte)
  • Fixed: SinglePlayer Startup
Build 532 (Jul 11, 2022)

What's New

  • Fusion Unity scipt xml documentation located under Assets/Photon/Fusion/Editor/Resources/Assembly-CSharp.xml

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NDS SessionName when starting multiple clients
Build 531 (Jul 08, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Access modifiers of LobbyInfo fields
Build 529 (Jul 06, 2022)


  • FusionGraph added StatsPerDefault value, allowing an initial 'per' setting for the graph, rather than the required clicking on the value at runtime to cycle to the desired setting
Build 528 (Jul 05, 2022)

What's New

  • Universal macOS NanoSockets lib


  • Remove from build old macOS NanoSockets libs

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Eventual warnings messages when performing lag-compensated queries with sub-tick accuracy on a Server or Host and querying a tick that is not yet on the hitbox snapshot history
  • Fixed: ILWeaver: error when subclassing types from different assemblies
Build 527 (Jul 04, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Network Conditions settings with DelayMin and LossChanceMin values == zero allowed now
Build 526 (Jul 01, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Targeted RPCs being broadcast to all the clients in shared mode
Build 525 (Jun 30, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkRunner.GetResumeSnapshotNetworkSceneObjects()
  • NetworkObject.CopyStateFromSceneObject()
  • IAfterHostMigration to be used on NetworkBehaviours


  • Host Migration now waits for the Scene to be fully ready before proceeding

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Support for SceneObject on Host Migration
  • Fixed: NetworkPhysics2D and 3D behaviours now restore the respective physics engine auto-simulation mode back to its value prior to the Runner startup when it is shutdown
Build 524 (Jun 29, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Visual teleports when interpolation starts on NetworkTransform objects by initializing the InterpolationTarget position and rotation during Spawned
Build 521 (Jun 24, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkString inspector setting the length to maximum
Build 520 (Jun 23, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Errors in Unity 2021+ when inspecting AssembliesToWeave and Prefabs in NetworkPrefabConfig
  • Fixed: Issue on the lag-compensated structure that could eventually cause an InvalidOperationException when adding a HitboxRoot to the BVH
Build 519 (Jun 22, 2022)


  • FixedBufferPropertyAttributeDrawer error handling

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkCharacterControllerPrototype initialization during Spawned causing objects to glitch when spawned on clients
  • Fixed: NetworkArrays not being properly initialized when inspecting a struct in the inspector
  • Fixed: Some drawers not being used when using Odin inspector
  • Fixed: Assertion raised for some properties when using Odin inspector
Build 518 (Jun 20, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Warning about hasStateAuthorityForAllTargets variable being unused
Build 516 (Jun 16, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkProjectConfig.CheckNetworkedPropertiesBeingEmpty: if enable, ILWeaver will emit a warning for each [Networked] property that is not either compiler-generated or empty
Build 515 (Jun 15, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Rotation interpolation of proxy objects with NetworkTransform in Shared Mode
Build 514 (Jun 14, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Protected [Networked] properties being serialized by Unity by default. Use [field: SerializeField] or [UnitySerializeField] attribute to make them serializable again
  • Fixed: Compile error when using Mono Cecil 1.11+
  • Fixed: Some custom property drawers missing in Unity 2021+ with Odin



Build 512 (Jun 14, 2022)
  • Releasing 1.1.1 Stable

RC Nightly

Build 511 (Jun 13, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkRunner.GetPlayerConnectionType(PlayerRef)
  • NetworkRunner.LobbyInfo

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: InvalidOperationException thrown when calling NetworkDebugStart.ShutdownAll()
  • Fixed: Crash when the animator used by NetworkMecanimAnimator has 0 layers
  • Fixed: Compile warning "While looking for class Fusion.Editor a namespace modification was detected. Namespace modification with preprocessor directives is not supported. Please ensure that all directives do not change the namespaces of types."
Build 509 (Jun 09, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: INetworkStruct, SimulationBehaviour and NetworkBehaviour not being weaved/weaved incorrectly if they are generic types. Note that it is still impossible to use generic parameters in [Networked] properties
  • Fixed: Accessing [Networked] string properties in NetworkBehaviours throwing InvalidProgramException
  • Fixed: "'' does not exist" warning when reimporting prefabs using NetworkObjectEditor inspector



Build 506 (Jun 08, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: UTF-8 BOM in source files causing merged files to have invalid characters
  • Fixed: Issue with spawning a lot of big objects in shared mode

RC Nightly

Build 503 (Jun 07, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Rare shared mode plugin startup crash
Build 502 (Jun 06, 2022)

What's New

  • WebGL Support
Build 499 (Jun 02, 2022)

Breaking Changes

  • INetworkSceneObjectProvider has been made obsolete. Use INetworkSceneManager instead and if you need custom scene object resolving - INetworkSceneManagerObjectResolver
  • NetworkRunner.RegisterUniqueObjects has been made obsolete. Use NetworkRunner.RegisterSceneObjects

What's New

  • NetworkRunner.ObjectPool property


  • Fusion handles scene object resolving by default, provided INetworkSceneManager implementation calls NetworkRunner.RegisterSceneObjects. If INetworkSceneManager implementation also implements INetworkSceneManagerObjectResolver, it will be used to resolve scene objects instead
  • NetworkObject.Runner field gets set in each scene objects that gets passed to NetworkRunner.RegisterSceneObjects
  • Assertion is raised if attaching to an object that already has been attached to


  • NetworkSceneManagerBase.TryResolveSceneObject

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Inactive scene objects not being unregistered in case they never get attached to
  • Fixed: Self-activating unattached scene objects attaching twice
    Tests: Task-based tests seem to have to do their own timeout, otherwise the editor hangs
    Tests: Added more RPC tests
  • Fixed: Occasional editor crash when client switches a scene
Build 497 (May 31, 2022)

What's New

  • ILWeaver: support for Wrapping/Unwrapping without a NetworkRunner. There are three constructs Fusion supports:
    public struct Wrapper : INetworkStruct {  
    public class WrappedByValue {  
      [NetworkSerializeMethod]   public static Wrapper Wrap(WrappedByValue obj) { ... };  
      [NetworkDeserializeMethod] public static WrappedByValue Unwrap(Wrapper wrapper) { ... }  
    public class WrappedByRef {  
      [NetworkSerializeMethod]   public static Wrapper Wrap(WrappedByRef obj) { ... }  
      [NetworkDeserializeMethod] public static void Unwrap(Wrapper wrapper, ref WrappedByRef result) { ... }  
    // both methods return number of bytes read/written  
    public class WrappedRaw {  
      [NetworkSerializeMethod(MaxSize = ...)] public static int Wrap(WrappedRaw obj, byte* data) { ... }  
      [NetworkDeserializeMethod] public static int Unwrap(byte* data, ref WrappedRaw result) { ... }  

Such wrapped types (WrappedByValue, WrappedByRef and WrappedRaw) can be used in any [Networked] property (both in structs and NetworkBehaviours) and RPC


  • ILWeaver: multiple invalid constructs are now detected during weaving time and reported as errors

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: ILWeaver: inconsistent support for string and bool. Both types can be used in collections from now on
Build 496 (May 30, 2022)


  • Network Transforms that do not have an Interpolation Target now will no longer use the object's own transform as target on clients that have state authority
Build 491 (May 27, 2022)

What's New

  • ConnectionTimeout Shutdown Reason
  • ConnectionRefused Shutdown Reason


  • FailedToConnect Shutdown Reason, replaced by GameIsFull, ConnectionTimeout, ConnectionRefused

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Refused Connections remaining registered
Build 488 (May 26, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkProjectConfig.HideNetworkObjectInactivityGuard toggle
  • Type thumbnails next to prefab list in NetworkProjectConfig


  • Prefabs in NetworkProjectConfig are now sorted by path (were: sorted by guid)
  • Prefabs in NetworkProjectConfig are now drawn as object fields pointing to the target prefab
  • Massive improvements in packet write performance in EC mode when a lot of clients are connected to a server


  • NetworkRunner.NotifyEditorPlayModeExit (no longer needed)
Build 484 (May 25, 2022)


  • NetworkRunner.RegisterUniqueObjects throws InvalidOperationException if an object has already been attached to
  • Logging an error due to scene object being missed moved to NetworkSceneManagerBase
  • If a remote object fails to be attached (missing prefab, missing scene object), another attempt will be made next frame, until it is either successful or the object got removed from the simulation. No errors are emit. This allows for a more flexible scene loading scenarios
  • If making a Standalone build, a warning is emit if PlayerSettings.runInBackground is not enabled

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Inactive Prefabs/scene objects not having their state objects released on being destroyed
  • Fixed: Not being able to load and unload a scene repeatedly on a client
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException occasionally thrown when a runner was shutdown shortly after it has been started
    Tests: More additive scene loading tests
Build 483 (May 24, 2022)


  • FusionInstaller - sets PlayerSettings.runInBackground to true
Build 482 (May 23, 2022)


  • NanoSockets for macOS Import Settings
Build 480 (May 20, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Lag-compensated OverlapBox missing hitboxes with box shape that are not in the position they are initialized
  • Fixed: Shutting down a runner in FixedUpdateNetwork throwing an exception
  • Fixed: NetworkRunner.Spawn() overload that takes a GameObject was returning the NetworkObject of the prefab, rather than the instantiated object
Build 479 (May 19, 2022)


  • Shared/Client StartGame only returns after connection or error
  • Host/Server always create new Sessions
    It will not try to join a Random Session if no Session Name is passed, but always create a new one with a Random name

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: PlayerCount on Clients if not Default Value
Build 478 (May 18, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Join Session from Lobby
  • Fixed: Update SessionInfo after MasterClient leave
Build 477 (May 17, 2022)


  • Rework Shutdown Procedure

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NullRef on Ping Procedure
Build 476 (May 16, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: BVH Nodes are now recycled in the Lag-compensation structure after network objects with hitboxes are destroyed
Build 474 (May 13, 2022)

What's New

  • SortDistance and SortReference extension methods to sort a list of lag-compensated hits according to the hit Distance or the distance from the hit Point to a reference point, respectively
  • NetworkProjectConfig.CheckRpcAttributeUsage - if set, the weaver will check if RpcAttribute is used in types that do not support it. This requires all types to be scanned and can increase the weaving duration

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: DontDestroyOnLoad objects not occasionally despawning correctly
Build 473 (May 12, 2022)


  • Postpone Spawn if Shared Client is not fully connected
  • Spawning network objects with position and/or rotation will now call physics SyncTransform by default (optional parameter), avoiding issues with collider and/or rigidbody data not being synchronized

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Handle Cloud Timeout while in Lobby
  • Fixed: Initialized execution order
  • Fixed: Despawning objects in OnChanged handlers causing NullReferenceExceptions being thrown in some cases
  • Fixed: A typo in NetworkBehaviour.OnChangeAdd parameter
  • Fixed: Invalid alignment of help button for some properties on Unity 2021.1+
Build 472 (May 11, 2022)


  • Renamed DeltaCompressor options. Debug option renamed to DebugUncompressed, Default renamed to Managed
Build 471 (May 09, 2022)


  • Big performance optimization for EC packet writes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Prefabs not being baked on component removal
Build 468 (May 05, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: PhotonAppSetting inspector throwing ArgumentNullException on Unity 2021.x
    Turns out ScriptAttributeUtility.GetFieldAttributes returns nulls if there are no attributes
Build 467 (May 04, 2022)


  • Shared Mode: All RPCs are handled as if they were defined with TickAligned = false

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Runner Shutdown Procedure
    Most of the process is sync now, only the MultiScene unload and the Photon Cloud disconnect are async
  • Fixed: Order of Fusion property drawers is now consistent across Unity versions
Build 466 (May 03, 2022)

What's New

  • Runner.Spawn() method added which accepts a GameObject as the prefab type

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: DisableClientSessionCreation
  • Fixed: Issue with incorrect overflow assert triggering in debugmode sometimes
Build 465 (May 02, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue in the broad-phase resolution of lag-compensated OverlapBox queries when using rotated boxes
Build 464 (Apr 30, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Hitbox Colliders are now recycled in the Lag-compensation structure after network objects are destroyed
Build 463 (Apr 29, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: FusionStats no longer creates an EventSystem or StandaloneInputModule in scene if the new Unity Input System is present. (Considered present if the UnityEngine.InputSystem namespace is present in any assemblies)
Build 462 (Apr 26, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with prediction sometimes going to high, especially on Android
Build 461 (Apr 25, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Corrected issue with large number of SimulationBehaviour/NetworkBehaviours exceeding the re-sorting safety limit when applying SortBefore and SortAfter attributes. Was quietly producing an invalid execution order on error
Build 460 (Apr 22, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Join Session right after Join a Lobby
  • Fixed: NanoSockets Import Settings for GDK
  • Fixed: FUSION_WEAVER on Dedicated Server TargetBuild
  • Fixed: NDS to AutoStart with AutoHostOrClient
Build 459 (Apr 21, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: AccuracyDrawer gui handling when nested corrected
  • Fixed: Accuracy types as fields can be initialized using named AccuracyDefaults
Build 458 (Apr 20, 2022)

What's New

  • Lag-compensantion hitbox buffer capacity can now be configured in the Lag-compensation settings


  • Default lag-compensation hitbox snapshot history is now 12 ticks instead of 60

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: "UnloadAsset may only be used on individual assets and can not be used on GameObject's / Components / AssetBundles or GameManagers" error message when exiting play mode
Build 457 (Apr 19, 2022)


  • NetworkTransform.IPredictedSpawnBehaviour.PredictedSpawnFailed no longer destroys the GameObject by default

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Ignore zero Delta Time
  • Fixed: Warnings when forcing a client NRB to be kinematic and its collision mode was set to Continuous or Continuous Dynamic.
    This only affects clients in Server-only physics mode or clients without state authority in Shared Mode
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException when trying to spawn a NetworkObject with an inactive child that has a NetworkTransform component
Build 454 (Apr 13, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Mono-cecil package not installing with "Access Denied" error. FusionInstaller defaults to com.unity.nuget.mono-cecil@1.10.2 now
Build 452 (Apr 11, 2022)


  • Object.AllowStateAuthorityOverride default value is now true. For most use cases, devs will want this enabled

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Shutting down NetworkRunner in multiple peer mode resulting in temp scene not being unloaded
Build 451 (Apr 09, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkMecanAnimator SetTrigger() methods given an additional optional passThroughOnInputAuthority option
Build 450 (Apr 08, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkRunner.GetPlayerConnectionToken
Build 449 (Apr 05, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with shared mode input erroneously becoming full, causing skipped input ticks
Build 448 (Mar 31, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: An issue in the Lag-Compensation BoxOverlap query resolution when the box was rotated
Build 447 (Mar 30, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: String RPC parameters causing ArgumentException being thrown on Android
Build 446 (Mar 28, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkProjectConfig.GlobalAssetLoading and NetworkProjectConfig.GlobalAssetUnloading static events - a way to load the config from a custom source and unload it, if necessary
  • NetworkProjectConfig.UnloadGlobal()


  • Tutorials and Samples in Fusion Hub updated
  • NetworkProjectConfigAsset is now a public type
Build 445 (Mar 25, 2022)


  • FusionStats SimulationCount renamed to ForwardSimCount (to make it distinct from ResimCount)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Fusion Editor debug logs using correct colors
  • Fixed: Native memory leaks on the Simulation
  • Fixed: NetworkRunnerExtensions.SetActiveScene setting invalid scene as active when given a scene path and scene names are not unique
Build 443 (Mar 23, 2022)

Breaking Changes

  • bool can't be used in pointer/ref properties

What's New

  • NetworkRunner.Instances - a read only list of all the active runners
  • Arrays of NetworkString support for RPC
    Test: Basic RPC codegen tests. Turns out bools are a bit problematic
Build 442 (Mar 22, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Inspector: errors logged in the console when inspecting some INetworkStructs types and exiting play mode
Build 440 (Mar 17, 2022)


  • Hitbox and HitboxRoot DrawGizmos methods are now virtual and use a color configurable in the Inspector



Build 439 (Mar 17, 2022)
  • Official release


RC Nightly

Build 438 (Mar 16, 2022)


  • NetworkTransform Teleport API now has the option to interpolate forward (based on From state) or backwards (default, based on To state)


  • Transform behaviours (NT/NRB/NCCP) now have a virtual implementation of the Unity OnEnable callback
  • NetworkObject.Runner gets set for predicted spawns
Build 437 (Mar 15, 2022)

What's New

  • [Fusion.NetworkAssemblyIgnore] assembly level attribute; if added to an assembly, Fusion will not scan it for networked types


  • A warning is emit if a INetworkStruct uses string property with backing field

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkRunner.IsShutdown being false when exiting play mode / handling OnApplicationQuit.
    Test: More tests. Added CreateSimplePrefab and CreateRunner
  • Fixed: NRB now normalizes the networked quaternion before setting it to the Rigidbody.rotation field, avoiding issues with values considered as not having unit length
  • Fixed: Codegen: NetworkString<> raising an assertion if used in ref and pointer properties
  • Fixed: Issue with FixedUpdateNetwork being called while InSimulation was false
Build 436 (Mar 14, 2022)

Breaking Changes

  • NetworkString lengths are now narrowed down to: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512


  • SimulationCount in FusionStats has been broken into two stats now, ForwardSimCount and ResimCount. This altered the enum, so some existing FusionStats implementations may need to be updated

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkObject and NetworkRunner throwing NullReferenceExceptions when some of their properties are accessed with no simulation is running
Build 435 (Mar 11, 2022)

What's New

  • Get(), Set(), and IndexOf() methods added to NetworkLinkedList<T>

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Shared non-master clients not attaching to a deactivated scene objects
  • Fixed: NetworkRunner.EnsureRunnerSceneIsActive not changing active scene in multiple peer mode
  • Fixed: Some issues relating to handing over state authority in shared mode
Build 434 (Mar 10, 2022)

What's New

  • Host Migration Support


  • Enable connect attempt to Symmetric NATs
Build 433 (Mar 09, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Realtime Region Ping method
  • Fixed: Issue in the first interpolated rendering of a predict-spawned object with NetworkTransform
Build 432 (Mar 08, 2022)

What's New

  • Added NetworkBehaviour.CopyStateFrom
  • Added NetworkObject.CopyStateFrom

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with out of bounds write on very large objects in EC mode
Build 431 (Mar 07, 2022)

What's New

  • NanoSockets for AppleSilicon M1
  • Base Switch NanoSockets project
  • PS4 NanoSockets
  • Link to PS4 static libs
  • Basic PS4 NanoSockets project
  • Fusion.TextWriterLogger


  • Move Xbox NanoSockets
  • Switch NanoSockets Project
  • NanoSockets source for Switch Build
  • Setup NanoSockets for Switch
  • Ignore NanoSockets Switch Builds
  • Rename PS4 NanoSockets output file
  • PS4 NanoSockets Cleanup
  • PS4 NanoSockets build StaticLibrary
  • PS4 Macros cleanup
  • Fusion.ConsoleLogger made public


  • PS4 NanoSocket Unused static lib refs

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Path of SwitchMacros.h
  • Fixed: Insertion and ordering of non-networkobject attached simulation behaviours
Build 430 (Mar 04, 2022)

Breaking Changes

  • RPC local invokes for host (in Host mode) have RpcInfo.Source set to PlayerRef.None (used to be: Host's local PlayerRef). If you want the old behavior back RPC, use [Rpc(HostMode = RpcHostMode.SourceIsHostPlayer)]. Note that in such case clients will also see host's player in RpcInfo.Source

What's New

  • Unity-side logger implementation - FusionUnityLogger


  • Deprecated Log.Init(Action<string>, Action<string>, Action<string>, Action<string>)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: AssertExceptions being thrown when quitting application with scene NetworkObjects that never have been activated
  • Fixed: AssertExceptions being thrown when exiting play mode with scene NetworkObjects that never have been activated
Build 429 (Mar 03, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkCharacterControllerPrototype, a prototype behaviour extending the base NetworkTransform that uses Unity's Character Controller
  • Log.Init parameters: useColorTags and usePrefix
  • [ScriptHelp(BackColor = EditorHeaderBackColor.None)] attribute can be added to custom Fusion scripts do disable the inspector Fusion header graphics, and revert to the normal Script field


  • RpcInfo.Source value for host is now controlled with Rpc.HostMode. When the host calls RPC, [Rpc(HostMode = RpcHostMode.SourceIsServer)] results with RpcInfo.Source being none and [Rpc(HostMode = RpcHostMode.SourceIsHostPlayer)] results with RpcInfo.Source being equal to the host's local player

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: RpcInfo.Source inconsistency for when RPC is invoked by the host. Was: local player for local invoke, none for remote clients. Is: none for local invoke and remote clients by default, can be changed with Rpc.HostMode
  • Fixed: Issue with AllowStateAuthorityOverride not working always
  • Fixed: Objects not receiving callbacks when reused from a pool
Build 428 (Mar 02, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkArray<float> property with [Accuracy(0)] causing Il2cpp error
Build 427 (Mar 01, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkTransform now implements IPredictedSpawnBehaviour and provides built-in support to interpolated rendering and prediction error correction.
    Behaviours that change the Transform state of the predict-spawned object should either be ordered before NT or call PredictedSpawnCacheTransformState after doing so
Build 426 (Feb 28, 2022)


  • Objects are despawned when a runner is shutdown
Build 424 (Feb 25, 2022)

What's New

  • SimulationBehaviour.CanReceiveCallback


  • NetworkObject: checks if the object has been properly despawned (in Debug builds)


  • NetworkObject despawn is now instantaneous (was: deferred until the end of a tick)
  • NetworkObject can be destroyed safely with UnityEngine.Destroy and don't need a despawn when scene changes
  • NetworkObjects are despawned when exiting play mode
  • NetworkRunner.GetInterfaceListHead(Type, int) made obsolete, use NetworkRunner.GetInterfaceListHead(Type, int, out SimulationBehaviour) instead


  • Behaviour.IsEnabled

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NanoSockets for Intel Macs
  • Fixed: Issues with packet corruption when client sending too large inputs or server sending to much state in eventual consistency mode
Build 423 (Feb 24, 2022)

What's New

  • Support DisableSessionCreation in SharedMode

  • Reworked transform behaviours: NetworkTransform, NetworkRigidbody and NetworkCharacterController.
    This build brings an important rework to all core transform behaviours. Here is a summary of why we needed those modifications, what to expect and the most important changes.


    • The previously available behaviours (NT/NRB/NCC) aimed to solve a very broad range of problems and scenarios, which led to a complex and hard to maintain codebase that sometimes misbehaved on core use-cases.
    • While possible, user extension of these default functionalities and options provided by those behaviours was not easy. This prevented users from customizing them to their needs, often relying on modifications of the core implementation.
    • NCC was unstable even when steering over simple scene colliders. The release of the new advanced KCC package further reduced its value even as a prototyping tool.

    What to expect:

    • New behaviours are easier to configure and are expected to be more stable in most common use-cases.
    • They are also easier to extend and adjust for game specific needs. A new prototype component exemplifies exactly that (more below).

    Important changes:

    • All previously existing core transform behaviours are marked as obsolete and renamed, but were kept in the core libraries. Although their usage is no longer encouraged and provided support for them will be limited, they are still available if you want to upgrade but need more time to switch to the new behaviours.
    • All new behaviours have the same name as the previous ones (e.g. NetworkTransform), except for NetworkCharacterController and NetworkTransformAnchor, which don't have a counterpart on new behaviours. To make this possible, old behaviours were renamed and have Obsolete added at the end of the class name: e.g. old NetworkRigidbody will be available as NetworkRigidbodyObsolete (the class is also marked as obsolete). Keeping the same name on the new behaviours also means that your existing prefabs and scene objects will automatically upgrade to use the new ones.
    • There is no longer a core NCC behaviour (existing one is kept, but marked as obsolete). Instead, a new NetworkCharacterControllerPrototype is provided in source code on the SDK: it uses Unity's Character Controller and exemplifies how the base NetworkTransform behaviour can be extended. With this new prototype behaviour we aim to provide a simple, yet stable prototyping tool, while the KCC package remains the recommended one for production and more complex use-cases.
    • Transform data is now always synchronized in world space. This is important to ensure Area of Interest (AOI) management works as expected. However, a configurable Interpolation Space will be available for all transform behaviours, so that the view (interpolation target) can be interpolated as if the networked data is in local space, allowing nested transforms to visually behave as expected. Interpolated prediction error correction is still always performed in world space and more complex hierarchies might require thoughtful control of the interpolation source, space and targets' hierarchies.
    • There is no synchronization of neither scale nor parenting/hierarchy on the transform behaviours. If you need to synchronize these types of data/relations, the suggested approach is to extend the core behaviours, synchronizing scale in local space and controlling a decoupled hierarchy of the interpolation targets.
    • Performing non-interpolated teleports no longer requires pre-steps. Optional interpolation velocities can be provided in order to smooth the transition. Check the new teleport API documentation for more details


  • Networked transform behaviours now have prediction error computed based on both From and To states used for rendering, instead of only on the latter

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with area of interest calculations when no compression was used for position
  • Fixed: Detection of rotation prediction error on NetworkTransform and derived behaviours
Build 419 (Feb 22, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkProjectConfig.NullChecksForNetworkedProperties


  • RpcInvokeInfo reworked
  • Weaver: Rpcs always check if NetworkObject has been attached to (used to be: only with debug DLLs)
  • Weaver: [Networked] properties check if NetworkObject has been attached to if NetworkProjectConfig.NullChecksForNetworkedProperties is set (used to be: only with debug DLLs)
Build 416 (Feb 18, 2022)


  • PredictedSpawnSuccess is now delayed until activation for deactivated objects

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Restart Background Connection handler
Build 415 (Feb 17, 2022)


  • PredictiveSpawnTest updated for others to test with
Build 414 (Feb 16, 2022)

What's New

  • protected virtual NetworkObject.Awake()
  • NetworkObject.DefaultExecutionOrder


  • NetworkObject.OnDestroy from protected to protected virtual
  • NetworkObject script execution order to 500. NetworkBehaviours should have lower execution order to ensure consistent behaviour when activating initially deactivated NetworkObjects


  • [ExecuteInEditMode] removed from NetworkObject - no longer needed

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with unity infinite loop/freeze when adding an simulation behaviour that was already in the update loop
  • Fixed: Issue with AOI when Position accuracy compression is set to not compress
  • Fixed: Spawned being called before Awake for initially deactivated objects. This only works if NetworkBehaviour subclasses have execution order (0 by default) lower than NetworkObject (500 by default). If this is not the case, a warning will be emit while baking scene/prefab with disabled objects containing such scripts
  • Fixed: Issue with large initial delta snapshots causing crash
Build 413 (Feb 15, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Prefab import: Making prefab addressable no longer requires a manual reimport of NetworkProjectConfig
  • Fixed: Prefab import: Prefabs in addressable folders causing an InvalidOperationException during NetworkProjectConfig import
Build 412 (Feb 14, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkString<> - an unmanaged and alloc-free alternative to string type. NetworkString<> holds its data as UTF32 string and the internal capacity is controlled with a generic parameter, e.g. NetworkString<_16> will hold up to 16 Unicode code points. Available capacities: 1 to 32, 64, 128 and 256
Build 411 (Feb 11, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Massively reduced static memory pressure on server with a lot of players connected
  • Fixed: Issue with calling SetInterestGroup something causing a null-ref exception if called in the wrong place
Build 410 (Feb 10, 2022)


  • ILWeaver: error reported if a [Networked] property is static
Build 408 (Feb 08, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Force Max Allowed MTU
Build 406 (Feb 07, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Shutdown in case of Photon Cloud Timeout
  • Fixed: Issue with FixedUpdate sometimes being called the same tick as a behaviour was spawned depending on its execution order
  • Fixed: Issue with inconsistent behaviour call order between server/client, call order is now deterministic on all machines and based on network object id
  • Fixed: CustomCallbackInterfaces in SinglePlayer Mode
  • Fixed: Spawn API to accept a PredictionKey
Build 405 (Feb 04, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Cached Transform in NetworkTransform classes checks for null, now that Fusion may access NBs which are disabled at startup (Awake has not run)
  • Fixed: Predicted Spawns will no longer fire PredictedSpawnUpdate on the same tick as PredictedSpawnSpawned
  • Fixed: Error if switch Shared and ClientServer modes
Build 404 (Feb 03, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Assert logged when baking a NetworkObject without any NetworkBehaviours
Build 403 (Feb 02, 2022)


  • Extended Server ping to local IPs, instead of only public IPs

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: DisableNATPunchthrough flag
  • Fixed: MTU Default Size
Build 402 (Feb 01, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: SimulationBehaviour static RPCs throwing ArgumentOutOfRangeException
Build 401 (Jan 31, 2022)


  • Disabled/deactivated NetworkObjects, NetworkBehaviours and SimulationBehaviours are now picked up by the bake process; they are marked with ActivatedByUser flag and are not enabled/activated by Fusion when attaching a state object
  • NetworkBehaviours on deactivated GameObjects no longer have their callbacks invoked
  • NetworkObjects that are initially deactivated are no longer activated by Fusion. However, NetworkBehaviours on such objects still have CopyBackingFieldsToState (for server) and Spawned invoked
  • Fusion.Behaviour.IsEnabled now returns MonoBehaviour.isActiveOrEnabled (was: MonoBehaviour.enabled)
Build 399 (Jan 28, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: RunnerVisibilityNodes Find buttons in Inspector now dirty the scene/object
  • Fixed: NetworkObject prefab showing outdated values and a rebake button (when opened)
Build 398 (Jan 27, 2022)

What's New

  • FusionStats.NoGraphShader option added, for special VR cases where the shader will not render correctly in 3d space
Build 397 (Jan 26, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Overriding NetworkBehaviour.CopyStateToBackingFields and NetworkBehaviour.CopyBackingFieldsToState: NetworkBehaviour.InvokeWeavedCode needs to be called in overrides to instruct the weaver where to add instructions
  • Fixed: SerializableDictionary<,> throwing ArgumentNullException if a serialized key happens to be a null
  • Fixed: Unity 2022.1 compile error with PrefabStageUtility.GetPrefabStage
Build 396 (Jan 25, 2022)

Breaking Changes

  • Session Custom Properties are now of type Dictionary<string, SessionProperty>

What's New

  • RunnerVisibilityControlsWindow now shows PlayerRef ID (which when clicked will ping thePlayerObject for that runner), as well the UserID values
  • Custom Session Property support to strings
  • New SessionProperty type used to store supported Custom Session Properties
  • New ShutdownReason.InvalidArguments


  • Max number of Session Custom properties is now 10 properties
  • Max size of Session Custom properties is now 500 bytes
  • Only the Server/Host or Shared Master Client can now update the Session Properties
  • SessionInfo.UpdateCustomProperties may fail if requirements are not met

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NameServer when connecting to CN Region
Build 395 (Jan 24, 2022)

What's New

  • FusionGraph meter bars now work with CanvasType GameObject , and not just Overlay
  • FusionStats added controls for warning/error thresholds, and customization support for these color and threshold values
Build 394 (Jan 22, 2022)


  • Button overlay in Hierarchy name now uses PlayerRef ID value rather than the runner name. NetworkDebugStart also now names any client runners using sequential letters rather than numbers, to avoid confusion - as the numbers used were arbitrary and not related to the PlayerRef ID of the peer

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Changing scenes would result in null textures for Inline Help and Fusion GroupBox styles
Build 393 (Jan 21, 2022)

What's New

  • Local PlayerObject related fields added to NetworkRunner and NetworkObject runtime inspector

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: PlayerRB2DPrototype used in the Setup Basic Fusion Scene 2D had interpolation disabled. Corrected that to auto
Build 392 (Jan 20, 2022)

What's New

  • Interpolator<T> now supports Boolean and Int32 types

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Missing Properties after a Session Update
Build 391 (Jan 19, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Interpolator was not using specified Accuracy values (such as [Networked, Accuracy(.1f)]) and was defaulting to .001f
Build 390 (Jan 17, 2022)

What's New

  • FusionStats handling for Good/Warn/Bad colors for bars
  • FusionStats histogram handling for more stat types
  • FusionStats color overrides for bar colors
Build 389 (Jan 16, 2022)

What's New

  • FusionStats Histogram support for time based stats (like RTT) added
Build 388 (Jan 14, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkBehaviour.InvokeOnChangedForInitialNonZeroValues: returns true by default. Override and return false if you don't want OnChanged to be invoked for initial values


  • NetworkObject editor: inline help content for IsSpawnable property
  • NetworkObject editor: PrefabInfo section is now also visible when editing a prefab


  • OnChanged: restored the old behaviour, where the callback is also invoked for each initial non-zero value
Build 387 (Jan 13, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkDebugStart added runtime Add Additional Client and Add Additional Shared Client buttons to the inspector, which allow for more clients to be added at any time after startup. Useful for simulating late joiners
  • FusionStats warning shown if no NetworkObject is found

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Nested NO not attaching in some cases when using EventualConsistency without AoI
  • Fixed: Despawned/culled nested NetworkObjects not being handled by late-joining clients. Currently such objects will remain deactivated
  • Fixed: Referencing nested NetworkObjects is now possible
  • Fixed: Collections in structs not being displayed correctly in the debugger
Build 386 (Jan 12, 2022)


  • PlayerTtl, now the client is deactivated as it leaves

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Extra Session Slot only if starting a Server
Build 385 (Jan 11, 2022)

What's New

  • 'Add Fusion Stats' and other 'GameObject > Fusion' menus added to Fusion menu as well
Build 384 (Jan 10, 2022)

What's New

  • NetworkObject.IsSpawnable property for getting/setting the NetworkObjectFlag.Ignore flag


  • Use Alternatives UDP Ports by default

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkDebugStartGUI caches previous and restores it after update, to avoid interfering with user IMGUI that also may be in use
Build 383 (Jan 07, 2022)


  • Scene NOs have Spawned invoked after all of them have been attached. This enables [Networked] object references to work reliably

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Don't set scene dirty when assigning to non-serialized NetworkBehaviour.Object
  • Fixed: Weaver: error when using collections with INetworkStructs from external assemblies
  • Fixed: Dictionaries not being drawn for some properties in Unity 2020.3.25
Build 382 (Jan 06, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: An issue in the NRB rotation syncing when Space was set to Local
Build 381 (Jan 05, 2022)


  • Order of backing fields added to [Networked] properties

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Dictionaries not being drawn in Unity 2020.3.25
Build 379 (Jan 02, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Unable to delete object warning when using older generated FusionStats meters with newer Fusion version
Build 373 (Dec 23, 2021)


  • Duplicated NetworkRunner.StartGame()
Build 372 (Dec 22, 2021)

What's New

  • Lite skin support for RunnerVisibilityControls window

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Nested objects never getting attached if their root object has been initially ruled out by AoI, in EventualConsistency mode
  • Fixed: Nested object with global AoI not getting attached if parent is not in global AoI, in EventualConsistency mode
Build 371 (Dec 21, 2021)

What's New

  • RpcInvokeInfo - a way to check how invoking a RPC went. The most basic syntax is [Rpc] RpcInvokeInfo Test() { return default; } and then var info = Test(); Debug.Log(info);


  • Update Realtime SDK to v4.1.6.11
Build 370 (Dec 20, 2021)


  • SimulationBehaviourAttribute OrderBefore and OrderAfter properties removed. Use [OrderBefore] and [OrderAfter] attributes instead

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NanoSockets build for Linux IL2CPP
  • Fixed: Pinning the Guid of Fusion.Runtime.xml.meta
Build 368 (Dec 17, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: GroupBoxInfo 'RectOffset?' was illegal
Build 367 (Dec 16, 2021)


  • OnChange callback is no longer invoked for non-zeroed properties on object spawn
Build 366 (Dec 15, 2021)

What's New

  • FusionStats can toggle between "avg per Tick", "avg per Sample" and "avg per Second" by clicking on the average value of a running fusion stat


  • RPCs are now culled according to AoI (Area of Interest) in Eventual Consistency mode
  • NetworkRigidbody and NetworkRigidbody2D are no longer sealed classes
Build 365 (Dec 14, 2021)

Breaking Changes

  • NetworkRunner.Despawn now defers the actual despawn until end of the current tick (or start of next tick, if Despawn is called outside of the simulation loop). This is a breaking change as previously objects would be removed from the network runner instantly


  • Expose NetworkRunner.AuthenticationValues

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: The accumulated prediction error not being reset on NetworkTransform behaviours when the interpolated correction is toggled off
Build 363 (Dec 13, 2021)

What's New

  • INetworkInput support for [Networked] properties
  • FusionStats Graphs will now gray out when not available, and will indicate why the stat is invalid in the current mode. Cases such as: Debug Only, Client Only, Non-State Authority Only, or EC Only - giving better indication why a stat isn't showing data

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Added caching of Animator.parameters, Animator.layerCount and Animator.parameterCount properties to NetworkMecanAnimator
  • Fixed: An issue on NetworkRigidbody that could cause the client state to not be synced to the state authority when the RB is disabled and re-enabled on the latter while being asleep
  • Fixed: Issue with FixedUpdateNetwork skipping invokes if the .Next pointer on the simulation behaviour was invalidated during its own fixed update call
  • Fixed: Unity crashing when inspecting [Networked] collections in VS debugger
Build 360 (Dec 10, 2021)

What's New

  • [Networked] string properties for INetworkStructs. To keep the struct unmanaged use following syntax: [Networked] string Foo { get => default; set {} }


  • [Networked] strings are now encoded with UTF32
Build 359 (Dec 09, 2021)


  • Nested NetworkObject inherit parent's input authority on spawn

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkRigidbody not syncing the transform on the client until the first modification in the transform is received, when running client-side physics prediction, which could result in an un-synced initial state
  • Fixed: NetworkDebugStart no longer overrides ProvideInput value for Server/Host. All Runners should default to ProvideInput == true
  • Fixed: Shutdown while resolving Reflexive address
  • Fixed: Despawning object in a callback handler preventing other listeners from being notified
  • Fixed: Possible MissingReferenceException when resolving scene objects
Build 358 (Dec 08, 2021)

What's New

  • Runner.GetPlayerUserId(PlayerRef)
  • Runner.UserId

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Shutdown Runner when connected to Lobby
  • Fixed: Large Rpcs overflow issue
  • Fixed: NetBitBuffer allowing for out of bounds reads/writes
  • Fixed: FusionStats correctly destroys the canvas guide object in builds now



Build 357 (Dec 07, 2021)

Breaking Changes

  • Clients now receive PlayerJoined and PlayerLeft callbacks for all players joining and leaving the game, not just themselves. Additionally ActivePlayers now contains all current players on clients also

What's New

  • Added NetworkRunner.GetPlayerActorId to get the photon realtime actor id of a specific player in shared mode
  • NetworkRunner.EnsureRunnerSceneIsActive
  • Added NetworkRunner.SetPlayerObject and NetworkRunner.GetPlayerObject
  • Added "bool? force = null" parameter to all methods on RawInterpolator
  • Added RawInterpolator.TryGetStruct<T>
  • Added TryGetArray/TryGetDictionary/TryGetLinkedList to RawInterpolator to get interpolated arrays/dicts/lists
  • Added SinglePlayerPause(bool paused) overload
  • Added NetworkLinkedList<T>.Remap to allow easy access to RawInterpolator data for linked lists
  • Added NetworkDictionary<K, V>.Remap to allow easy access to raw interpolator data for dictionaries
  • Added NetworkArray<T>.Remap to give easy access to raw interpolator arrays
  • Support to specifying the tick 'from' and 'to' and the interpolation alpha when performing lag-compensated queries
  • Can now add FusionStats at runtime to a gameobject or scene simply with FusionStats.Create(). Will detect if a NetworkObject is on the supplied parent, and enable Object stats if so.
    Added more explicit control over graph stats display modes with the enum description
  • Added SimulationCount stat to FusionStats
  • NetworkBehaviour.Id property
  • XML documentation to the InterpolatedErrorCorrectionSettings, used to interpolate the prediction error correction on NT/NCC/NRB
  • Lag-compensated box overlaps, accessible through Runner.LagCompensation.OverlapBox overloads
  • FusionAddressablePrefabsPreloader
  • NetworkPrefabTable.GetEntries() - a way to iterate contents of the prefab table
  • Inspector support for pointer properties
  • Support for initializing pointer properties. The syntax is: [Networked] public Foo* Prop => MakePtr(new Foo());
  • Support for ref properties. The syntax is: [Networked] public ref Foo Prop => ref MakeRef(new Foo());
  • Added NetworkRunner.SinglePlayerPause and NetworkRunner.SinglePlayerContinue
  • NetworkLinkedList<T> inspector support
  • Expanded FusionStats to also work as billboarding ingame objects in addition to screen overlays
  • FusionStats can (and should) be added by selecting the menu 'GameObject>Fusion>Add Fusion Stats'. This will generate the appropriate stats UI based on whether a NetworkObject was selected or not
  • Histogram stats handling
  • FusionStatsMeterBar graph type
  • NetworkObject and Sockets stats options to FusionStats


  • NetworkRunner.InstantiateInRunnerScene, if invoked in multiple peer mode, switches active scene to the runner's one before instantiating the GameObject. Previously active scene is restored after instantiation
  • Weaver: OnChanged callbacks signatures are now verified during weaving
  • Weaver: Missing config results in a warning rather than an error
  • ILWeaver reports an error if config is not found (previously: a warning)
  • A warning is emit when a float/boolean/vector type is used in a pointer/ref property
  • Addressable prefabs work out of the box and no longer need any preloading
  • PlayerJoined and PlayerLeft is now called on client as well as server for all players joining/leaving
  • ActivePlayers now returns all players on Clients also
  • Exceptions that get happen inside of connection flow always get logged now

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkObject.Ptr not getting nullified when the object is destroyed in some situations
  • Fixed: Using a struct with [Networked] property throwing an exception if Allow unsafe code is not enabled
  • Fixed: Unity 2020.2.5 inspector errors
  • Fixed: "Failed to unwrap" warnings spam for NetworkObject/NetworkBehaviour properties
  • Fixed: NetworkRunner.ProvideInput can now be set at any point during runner startup and initialization
  • Fixed: Issue with network object id conflicts in shared mode
  • Fixed: Fusion/Toggle Debug Dlls having hardcoded Dlls paths
  • Fixed: Issue with DestroyWhenStateAuthorityLeaves not working for master client
  • Fixed: Issue with destroying objects in state auth changed callback
  • Fixed: NetworkDebugStart AlwaysShowStats was producing two stats windows for clients in single peer mode
  • Fixed: NetworkSceneManagerBase not cleaning up its state on shutdown
  • Fixed: NetworkObjectEditor throwing exception if object header is missing
  • Fixed: MasterClient not updated when Master leaves
  • Fixed: Lag-compensated Hitboxes with negative radius/extents not being correctly detected by queries
  • Fixed: Lag-compensated sphere overlaps and raycasts always being performed with sub-tick accuracy, despite the hit option flag
  • Fixed: An issue on the computation of NetworkRunner.InterpolationRenderTime on the clients
  • Fixed: InterpolationRenderTime now correctly returns SimulationRenderTime on server
  • Fixed: NetworkRunner.SimulationRenderTime now uses correct calculation
  • Fixed: ILWeaver not recognizing [field: NonSerialized] attribute
  • Fixed: Issue with server/host trying to send player left message when no clients connected
  • Fixed: RunnerVisibilityNode now automatically added for Runner Instantiated GameObjects. Previously these were only added for NetworkObjects


RC Nightly

Build 353 (Nov 17, 2021)

What's New

  • Inspector support for struct [Networked] properties multi-edit
  • Inspector support for [Networked] struct properties


  • Field attributes ([field: FooAttribute]) applied to auto [Networked] properties are applied to the backing field
Build 352 (Nov 15, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Mono.Cecil being referenced if a struct had [Networked] property
Build 351 (Nov 12, 2021)

What's New

  • Added support for state authority override toggle in shared mode
  • Added support for IEnumerable<T> to NetworkArray<T>
  • Added NetworkBehaviour.WordInfo which allows access to the low level word offset + count for each networkbehaviour
  • Added support for NetworkLinkList<T>
Build 350 (Nov 11, 2021)

What's New

  • New ShutdownReasons


  • Improved error handling of StartGame
  • Runner.StartGame now outputs the StartGameResult
Build 348 (Nov 10, 2021)

What's New

  • Added pre-built NetworkButtons struct to represent 32 buttons as a single int, including detecting pressed/released evnts
  • Limited support for [Networked] properties for INetworkStructs. Currently there's no inspector for such properties. Also, NetworkObject/NetworkBehaviour properties are not supported
  • NetworkArray<T> and NetworkDictionary<K, V> support for managed types (e.g. NetworkBehaviour, NetworkObject). Initializing from the inspector half-works, because referenced objects may not have been spawned yet by the runner
  • NetworkArray<T> and NetworkDictionary<T> properties can now use NetworkBehaviour and NetworkObject types as well. Not that initializing from the inspector half-works, because some objects may not yet have been spawned, so their id is 0.
    Remove: ElementReader<T> and ElementWriter<T>
  • IElemenetReaderWriter<T> (used internally by NetworkArray<T> and NetworkDictionary<T>)
  • [Networked] array and dictionary support for structs
  • Added implicit conversion operator from NetworkBehaviour to NetworkBehaviourId


  • NetworkArray<T> uses ElementWriter<T> and ElementReader<T> delegates rather than nested Writer/Reader ones

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetConnectFailedReason parsing
Build 347 (Nov 10, 2021)

What's New

  • Optional bool parameter on NetworkBehaviour.Interpolator.TryGetValues and GetValues to force retrieving the interpolation data from the current simulation time frame or between snapshots

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: An issue in the NT prediction error correction when Space was set to Local
  • Fixed: An issue in the NT rotation interpolation when Space was set to Local
  • Fixed: An issue on the NT/NCC/NRB prediction error correction that would cause it to run on the peer that has state authority
  • Fixed: An issue on the NT/NCC/NRB prediction error correction that could cause jitter, due to fields' limited accuracy
Build 346 (Nov 09, 2021)

What's New

  • DisableClientSessionCreation to StartGame
Build 345 (Nov 08, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with OnChanged callbacks being called continuously
Build 344 (Nov 05, 2021)

What's New

  • Added Changed<T>.Rescan() method that can be invoked inside of an OnChange callback if you want a change done to state inside of the callback to be checked for additional callbacks to be invoked without waiting for the next tick

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Logging from simulation constructor is only logged with debug dlls now
  • Fixed: Bug with OnChanged callback not being invoked on state authority if state was changed inside of an OnChanged callback
Build 343 (Nov 04, 2021)


  • Moved RequestStateAuthority and ReleaseStateAuthority From NetworkRunner to NetworkObject
  • AssignInputAuthority only works in Client/Server, Client/Host _or_ if you have StateAuthority in Share Mode
  • Removed AssignStateAuthority and RemoveStateAuthority, use NetworkRunner.RequestStateAuthority and NetworkRunner.ReleaseStateAuthority

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with RPCs needing to be able toggled as "resim" to be usable in Spawned
  • Fixed: Added [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] to BurstInsertAndResolveDelegate to resolve warning in Unity 2021.2
Build 342 (Nov 03, 2021)

What's New

  • Added support for 128kb and 256kb allocator pages


  • Renamed PageShiftValues enum to PageSizes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Rendering of NRB not being predicted when running client-side physics and InterpolationDataSources was set to Auto
  • Fixed: Snapshots not being freed in shared mode
  • Fixed: Reduced static memory allocation on clients further
  • Fixed: Small memory leak when stopping play mode in editor
Build 341 (Nov 02, 2021)

What's New

  • NetworkRunner.SetActiveScene accepting a scene path or name (an extension method)
  • New AutoHostOrClient GameMode
  • Added DefaultState property to RunnerVisibilityNode, which allow devs to modify the default state of the associated object when NetworkRunner.IsVisible is set to true


  • NetworkSceneManagerDefault component gets added and a warning is printed if no INetworkSceneObjectProvider is passed to the runner

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: FusionStats disabling canvases in builds
  • Fixed: NetworkRunner not resetting IsMultiplePeerSceneTemp flag
  • Fixed: "missing snapshot" error on clients when large frame skips or stutter happens
  • Fixed: Reduced static memory consumption on clients
  • Fixed: Null reference exception on shutdown
Build 340 (Nov 01, 2021)


  • Removed ability to run socket on background thread
Build 339 (Oct 31, 2021)

What's New

  • RunnerVisibilityControls now work with vary narrow window sizes (allowing for docking to the left side of windows)
  • RunnerVisibilityControls now uses icons rather than default toggles for 'Visibility' and 'Provide Input', allowing for more condensed window sizes
  • Runner names in RunnerVisibilityControls now are clickable, and will ping/select their associated runner gameobject.
    Changed GUIStyle statics to use Lazy<>
  • Runner overlays on the hierarchy now act as buttons and will ping/select the associated NetworkRunner gameobject

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: RunnerVisibilityControls use the Runner name rather than the associated Scene name (required due to changes in scene naming in Multi-Peer mode)
Build 338 (Oct 30, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: CodeGen exception due to 'MakeInitializer' having no implementation
Build 336 (Oct 29, 2021)
  • Initial 0.11.0 version



Build 335 (Oct 29, 2021)

What's New

  • [UnitySerializeField] attribute - apply on a private [Networked] property to have the backing field available in the inspector
  • [UnityFormerlySerializedAsAttribute] attribute - apply on a [Networked] property to have [FormerlySerializedAsAttribute] attribute added to the backing field
  • Support for inline [Networked] property initializers. This is now valid: [Networked] public int Foo { get; set; } = 1;. For arrays and dictionaries use MakeInitializer, e.g. [Networked] public NetworkArray<int> Foo { get; } = MakeInitializer(new[] { 0, 1, 2 });
  • Support for inline [Networked] property initializers. For arrays and dictionaries use MakeInitializer, e.g. [Networked] public NetworkArray<int> Foo { get; } = MakeInitializer(new[] { 0, 1, 2 });


  • [Networked] array or dictionary properties can't have setters

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NT/NCC state being reset on the State Authority peer, reverting any modifications done on the editor/backing fields


Beta Nightly

Build 333 (Oct 28, 2021)

What's New

  • Custom PhotonAppSettings on StartGameArgs
  • Raw bool [Networked] properties support for NetworkBehaviour. NetworkBool still needs to be used in structs

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Reverted NetworkMecanAnimator.SetTrigger() method to previous handling. Input Authority no longer passes the trigger through to the Animator, and this call is only meant to be used on the State Authority
Build 332 (Oct 27, 2021)

What's New

  • Added support for sending reliable data between players


  • If an attempt to send reliable data to a local player or to the server from itself, the data will invoke the OnReliableData callback
  • Renamed SendReliableDataFromServerToPlayer to SendReliableDataToPlayer
  • Renamed SendReliableDataFromClientToServer to SendReliableDataToServer

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkBool is now [Serializable] and has a dedicated drawer
  • Fixed: ILWeaver error for [Networked] pointer properties
  • Fixed: Missing PhotonAppSettings
  • Fixed: Spawning prefabs in OnConnectedToServer callback triggering an assertion in NetworkSceneManagerDefault in multiple peer mode
Build 331 (Oct 26, 2021)
  • Please remove the files at 'Assets\Photon\PhotonLibs[Metro,WebSocket,Photon3Unity3D.*]' as they are not necessary anymore

What's New

  • NetworkArray and NetworkDictionary properties are now Unity-editable
  • Arrays and reference type [Networked] properties can now have its defaults set in the inspector
  • A debug warning if no INetworkSceneObjectProvider is passed to the runner in Unity builds


  • Photon Realtime SDK to v4.1.6.10
  • NetworkBehaviour.Defaults to NetworkBehaviour.CopyBackingFieldsToState and NetworkBehaviour.ReadDefaults to NetworkBehaviour.CopyStateToBackingFields
  • NetworkBehaviour inspector: networked properties are no longer displayed in a separate foldout. Instead, the "default" variables are updated

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: An issue in the interpolated prediction error correction of NRBs modified after the NetworkPhysicsSimulation
  • Fixed: Issue with shared mode backend not applying state updates from client and a regular interval
  • Fixed: NetworkSceneManagerDefault not registering GameObjects in RunnerVisibilityNode
  • Fixed: Nested scene NetworkBehaviours not being attached to
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException in BehaviourEditorUtils.GetDelegateFromMember
Build 330 (Oct 25, 2021)


  • Expose Current Runner.NATType

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkMecanAnimator.SetTrigger() calls now will pass-through to Animator.SetTrigger() when HasInputAuthority is true
Build 329 (Oct 23, 2021)

What's New

  • NAT Type Discovery


  • Optimization on the Reflexive Address Query

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with delta snapshot discarding valid snapshots on server
Build 328 (Oct 22, 2021)

What's New

  • Added support for predictive despawn on clients in server<>client topology

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Missing check of PlayerCount from StartArgs
  • Fixed: A typo in NetworkSceneManagerDefault


Beta Nightly

Build 327 (Oct 21, 2021)

Breaking Changes

  • Scene loading overhaul - Scene loading is now implemented on Unity's side with INetworkSceneObjectProvider interface. The default implementation is provided with NetworkSceneManagerDefault

What's New

  • BitSet64, BitSet128, BitSet192, BitSet256
  • BitSet types
  • Added support for sending large chunks of reliable data via the NetworkRunner.SendReliableDataFromServerToPlayer and NetworkRunner.SendReliableDataFromClientToServer


  • Multiple peer mode no longer uses "wrapper" scenes. Scenes are loaded and held on to just like with single peer mode
  • OnBeforeSpawned callback is now called before PredictedSpawnSpawned on the Client, instead of before the regular Spawned


  • NetworkProjectConfig.Scenes. NetworkSceneManagerDefault treats SceneRef as the scene's build index instead, but generally speaking SceneRef can mean whatever INetworkSceneObjectProvider implementation wants it to - a build index, a bitfield etc

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Bug with TimerDelta ignoring first delta
Build 325 (Oct 20, 2021)

What's New

  • Interpolated error correction of the transform state on client-side prediction
  • Added per-object rpc stats
Build 324 (Oct 19, 2021)

What's New

  • Added per object bandwidth stats in EC mode


  • Show MaxPlayers and PlayerCount on Lobby

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Runner.IsFirstTick and IsLastTick being swapped on client-side resimulations
  • Fixed: Shutdown State when reusing Fusion Runner
Build 322 (Oct 18, 2021)

What's New

  • Support to Custom Authentication
  • New OnCustomAuthenticationResponse on INetworkRunnerCallbacks
  • New Shutdown Reasons related to Custom Authentication


  • Re-work Async StartGame Handling exposing info about faulted initializations

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with spiking bandwidth when client would fall too far behind snapshot history
  • Fixed: VisibilityNode handling for nested NetworkObject spawning fixed
Build 321 (Oct 14, 2021)

What's New

  • More control over FusionStats window at edit time and runtime
  • FusionStats enum to select which stats to display

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: FusionStats readable at all sizes and aspect ratios
Build 320 (Oct 13, 2021)

What's New

  • NT/NRB/NCC/NTA all now encode extra state info for teleports, which act as lerp targets interpolating up to the teleport event (otherwise teleports freeze for one frame)
  • Added LocalScale sync to NT/NRB
  • Added more interpolation handling for parenting/scaling edge cases
  • Experimental option added for InterpolationTarget to detach from NetworkObject, and reparent as needed to improve scaling interpolation

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Infinite loop in NetworkRunner.TryFindBehaviour<T>
Build 318 (Oct 08, 2021)

What's New

  • Added NetwokRunner.TryGetNetworkBehaviour<T> to convert NetworkBehaviourId to a NetworkBehaviour
  • Added NetworkDictionary<K, V>.Get
  • Added NetworkDictionary<K, V>.Set
Build 317 (Oct 07, 2021)


  • Increased STUN Attempts

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Occasional null error in NetworkRunner inspector editor code, when running in single player mode
Build 316 (Oct 07, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Inverted NetworkDictionary.TryGet case
  • Fixed: NetworkObjectGuid and NetworkPrefabRef not being accepted as Rpc parameters
Build 315 (Oct 07, 2021)

What's New

  • Added indexer on NetworkDictionary
  • Added ContainsValue on NetworkDictionary


  • Renamed NetworkDictionary.Contains to NetworkDictionary.ContainsKey to be consistent with .NET dictionary API
  • Moved call to InvokeSceneLoadStart to happen in base class instead

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: AddCallbacks and RemoveCallbacks now check for existance of internal callback list and can be called before NetworkRunner.StartGame
  • Fixed: Issues with network dictionary memory alignment
Build 314 (Oct 06, 2021)

What's New

  • Standard Unity property attributes for [Networked] properties - UnityHeader, UnityRange etc


  • Odin compatibility
  • ILWeaver - [Networked] property attributes that can also be used on a field (depending on their AttributeTargets) are now applied to the underlying field as well. This means Odin attributes can be used directly on [Networked] properties


  • InlineHelpAttribute visibility to public
  • ProvideInput is now true by default for Client and Host
Build 313 (Oct 06, 2021)

What's New

  • Added NetworkDelegates which is similar to NetworkEvents but using regular C# delegates instead of Unity Events
  • Added INetworkRunnerCallbacks.OnSceneLoadStart
  • Added INetworkRunnerCallbacks.OnSceneLoadDone


  • Removed INetworkRunnerCallbacks.OnObjectWordsChanged as it was no longer called/used

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Constructor on NetworkDictionary<K, V> is now public
Build 311 (Oct 05, 2021)


  • NetworkBehaviourId now implements IEquatable<T>, == and != operator overloads and GetHashCode()

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue where it would not be possible to spawn networked objects in ISceneLoadDone callback
  • Fixed: NetworkDictionary<K, V> now accepts enums as K generic argument
Build 310 (Oct 05, 2021)

What's New

  • Added support to weaver for System.Guid


  • Exposed NetworkRunner.IsSharedModeMasterClient
Build 309 (Oct 04, 2021)

What's New

  • Added support for NetworkDictionary<K, V>


Beta Nightly

Build 308 (Oct 03, 2021)

What's New

  • HelpURL references added to components


  • Clicking headers always pings the script in the Project folder, even if the header is tied to launch a URL
Build 307 (Oct 02, 2021)

What's New

  • IPv6 Support
  • Support to Custom STUN Server


  • STUN Servers Resolution
  • Disable NAT Punch when no Reflexive Info is found
Build 306 (Oct 01, 2021)

What's New

  • Added ISceneLoadStart
  • Fixed issues with ISceneLoaded not being called


  • Renamed ISceneLoaded to ISceneLoadDone

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with ISceneLoadStart not being registered as a callback interface
  • Fixed: Issue with Refused connection not being sent from server
Build 304 (Sep 30, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with scene object staying disabled on server in certain scenario
  • Fixed: New Odin handling was hiding Odin's virtual OnEnable in NetworkBehaviourEditor.cs
Build 303 (Sep 29, 2021)


  • Scene objects are now disabled by default after being loaded and only enabled once their replicated data is received

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Inline help for Odin editor not being visible. Odin editor for Fusion types can be disabled with FUSION_ODIN_DISABLED define
  • Fixed: Inline help sizing issues when there's no vertical scrollbar
  • Fixed: Inline help does not try do load xml doc for Unity assemblies
  • Fixed: Connection Accept/Refuse in OnConnectRequest callback
Build 302 (Sep 28, 2021)


  • Inspector inline help loading times

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Auto-generated NetworkBehaviour.Defaults() overrides not invoking base class' implementation
Build 300 (Sep 27, 2021)

What's New

  • NetworkPrefabTable.Count and NetworkPrefabTable.LastId
  • Added non-generic NetworkBehaviour.GetInterpolator to get a RawInterpolator struct to allow for interpolation of user defined structs


  • Inline help button is placed on the left again
  • Exposed Simulation.SnapshotHistory buffer for low level access

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with objects not being released back to pool
  • Fixed: Issue with calling shutdown inside of FUN
Build 299 (Sep 24, 2021)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed Fusion.Odin.asmdef and all Fusion.*Odin behaviour types. Use regular Fusion behaviour classes instead, Fusion.BehaviourEditor is Odin-aware. Due to Unity limitations, Assets/Photon/Scripts/Odin needs to be removed manually, if this build is used to update existing Fusion integration
  • Removed Fusion.Odin.asmdef and all Fusion.*Odin behaviour types. Use regular Fusion behaviour classes instead, Fusion.BehaviourEditor is Odin-aware
Build 298 (Sep 23, 2021)

What's New

  • AssemblyNameAttribute and AssemblyNameAttributeDrawer, put to use in NetworkProjectConfig.AssembliesToWeave


  • Inspector: Inline help works for arrays now
  • Inspector: Improved compatibility with custom drawers


  • Inspector: Inline help button is displayed on the right side of a property value
  • ILWeaver: assembly names are now case insensitive


  • Fusion.Behaviour.Editor* properties. Use [ScriptHelp] attribute from now on
Build 297 (Sep 22, 2021)

Breaking Changes

  • Due to changes in prefab pipeline, prefabs need to be reimported. This can be done with Fusion/Rebuild Object Table

What's New

  • [NetworkPrefab] attribute. When added to a NetworkObject field, the object picker will only show prefabs with FusionPrefab label.
    Remove: NetworkProjectConfig.PrefabSources: prefab source information is now stored in config's hidden nested assets and is generated based on prefabs marked with FusionPrefab label. This means that serialized config is now a lot smaller as it does not contain prefab information directly


  • Prefabs with NetworkObject script are now labeled with FusionPrefab label during import
  • NetworkPrefabRef property drawer: object picker shows prefabs with FusionPrefab label
  • Config's initial PrefabAssetsContainerPath value to an empty string. This means that NetworkPrefabAsset (a reference-based alternative to NetworkPrefabRef/NetworkObject references) generation is now disabled by default. Existing configs are not affected
  • NetworkPrefabTable.TryAdd now accepts a guid and an INetworkPrefabSource instance. If prefabs need to be added at runtime, NetworkPrefabSourceStatic and NetworkPrefabSourceUnityBase subclasses can be used as INetworkPrefabSource implementations
  • NetworkPrefabAssets are disabled by default (they need PrefabAssetsContainerPath field set in NetworkProjectConfig inspector)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Config warning for initial weaving
Build 296 (Sep 22, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: ILWeaver error when NetworkBehaviour subclass from another assembly was used in a [Networked] property
Build 294 (Sep 21, 2021)

What's New

  • Fusion Matchmaking API
  • SessionInfo class with all major Session related information
  • NetworkRunner.StartGame(GameMode, SessionInfo) to join an specific Session
  • NetworkRunner.JoinSessionLobby(SessionLobby, LobbyName) to join a Lobby
  • INetworkRunnerCallbacks.OnSessionListUpdated to receive Session Lobby list updates
  • Several new Shutdown Reasons for better handling of error cases


  • NetworkRunner.GameInfo renamed to NetworkRunner.SessionInfo
  • NetworkRunner.StartGame with Custom Params and Custom Lobby
Build 292 (Sep 17, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: IL error in [Networked] properties returning NetworkBehaviours
Build 291 (Sep 15, 2021)


  • LagCompensatedHit.Object is deprecated and renamed to GameObject, now also having a more descriptive documentation
Build 290 (Sep 13, 2021)

What's New

  • [NetworkSerializeMethod] and [NetworkDeserializeMethod] attributes. Together they can make any type Fusion-serializable (usable in [Networked] properties and in Rpcs). Expected signatures, for type T, are [NetworkSerializeMethod(MaxSize = <MaxByteSize>)] public static int <MethodName>(NetworkRunner runner, T obj, byte* data) (returns number of bytes written) and [NetworkDeserializeMethod] public static int <MethodName>(NetworkRunner, byte* data, ref T result) (returns number of bytes read). There's also an alternative signature supported, which "wraps" T with an existing INetworkStruct type (S): [NetworkSerializeMethod] public static S <MethodName>(NetworkRunner runner, T obj) and [NetworkDeserializeMethod] public static T <MethodName>(NetworkRunner runner, S wrapper) or [NetworkDeserializeMethod] public static void <MethodName>(NetworkRunner runner, S wrapper, ref T result)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NDS in SharedMode with Empty Session Name
Build 289 (Sep 09, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Physics2D.simulateMode automatically set to Script mode at runtime, when NetworkProjectConfig PhysicsEngine is set to 2D
  • Fixed: Unexpected characters in Fusion.Editor.cs
Build 288 (Sep 08, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Inspector - NetworkObject multiple selection
  • Fixed: ILWeaver throwing an exception if multiple netstandard assemblies are referenced
  • Fixed: AssetDatabaseUtils compile for Unity 2021.2b
Build 287 (Sep 07, 2021)

What's New

  • Tanknarok Demo link added to Fusion Hub Window
    Refactored styles in Fusion hub to a single GuiSkin and unified light and dark themes for easier future maintenance
  • Links to Fusion and Photon settings added to Fusion Hub Window

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Removed localization from Fusion Hub links (all were pointing to en-us versions)
Build 286 (Sep 03, 2021)


  • Added GuiSkin option to NetworkDebugStartGUI which uses a GuiSkin asset for its defaults. While not meant to be used for production interfaces, this does allow for some customization

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkDebugStart handling for Automatic with setting of Client should now work correctly in all cases (Multi-peer and Single-Peer)
Build 285 (Sep 01, 2021)


  • NT/NRB/NCC Teleport changed to hold on interpolation To rather than From state, to be consistent with 'NoInterpolation' handling

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Hit normal being inverted in some configurations when performing lag-compensated raycasts against boxes
  • Fixed: NetworkDebugStartGUI null errors when editing text ilelds fixed
Build 283 (Aug 31, 2021)

What's New

  • Shutdown button added to NetworkDebugStart and option to Hide GUI After Start
  • Option in NetworkDebugStart for showing a shutdown button
  • Shutdown handling and cleanup/reset to NetworkDebugStart and NetworkRunner
  • NetworkRunner Shutdown button added to component inspector at runtime
  • NetworkDebugStartGUI adeded current stage information label

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Execute Order Inspector window will correctly warn of OrderBefore/OrderAfter conflicts again
  • Fixed: DrawifAttribute was adding one vertical space to GUI for hidden elements
  • Fixed: Missing covert to local space in NRB in some edge cases
  • Fixed: NetworkDebugStartGUI handling of vertical aspect ratio screens, and extreme screen aspect ratios
Build 282 (Aug 30, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with despawn in shared mode
  • Fixed: Bug in shared mode with interest management
Build 280 (Aug 28, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: TempAlloc now handles allocations larger than managed allocator page size
Build 279 (Aug 27, 2021)

What's New

  • Added 'Property Groups' functionality

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issues with initial state of scene objects in shared mode
  • Fixed: State auth handling when receiving data in shared mode you have state auth over already
  • Fixed: Bug with NRB.SharedMode.Defaults init
  • Fixed: Issue with corrupted shared mode object state
Build 276 (Aug 26, 2021)

What's New

  • Added ILocalPrefabCreated and IRemotePrefabCreated interfaces that can be used on NetworkBehaviour to get a callback _before_ Spawned is invoked to setup internal state on the behaviour


  • Simplified PlayerJoined/PlayerLeft callback to always happen during a tick instead of randomly before/after ticks

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with remote prefabs not being created
  • Fixed: Issue with Defaults overriding received state for NRB/NT during first rollback
Build 274 (Aug 25, 2021)
  • Fusion SDK version 0.7.0 released


Beta Nightly

Build 273 (Aug 25, 2021)

What's New

  • Added changed state cache sharing for EC


  • Improved Allocator.Copy performance massively

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Memory leak on client when relasing SimulationInput instances
  • Fixed: NetworkBehaviour sub classes not calling base types' Defaults(bool,bool)
  • Fixed: SimulationInput.Buffer.CopySortedTo alloc
  • Fixed: Removed extra unnecessary state copy done in delta snapshots transformed mode by server
Build 272 (Aug 25, 2021)

Breaking Changes

  • SimulationBehaviour.GetInput moved down to NetworkBehaviour, if you need to get input inside of a SimulationBehaviour use Object.Runner.TryGetInputForPlayer
  • Spawned() and Despawned() virtual methods moved down to NetworkBehaviour, not available on SimulationBehaviour anymore. If you need Spawned/Despawned callbacks on a SimulationBehaviour use the ISpawned and IDespawned callback interface
  • SimulationBehaviour.StateAuthorityChanged was removed, use the new IStateAuthorityChanged callback interface instead

What's New

  • Added support for connection token supplied via StartGameArgs.ConnectionToken. Not used in shared mode
  • Added StartGameArgs.CustomCallbackInterfaces to allow users to hook into our O(1) constant time callback lookup
  • Added NetworkRunner.GetInterfaceListNext and NetworkRunner.GetInterfaceListPrev to get prev/next of an interface simulation behaviour linked list
  • Added IsFirstTick and IsForward

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: GetInterfaceListHead now uses the type parameter properly
  • Fixed: Cant use pointers outside of unsafe compiler error in NetworkObjectGuidDrawer
  • Fixed: Prefabs for remote objects are now properly spawned inside of a tick
  • Fixed: IsLastTick now has correct value during resimulations
  • Fixed: Scan for matching predicted spawned object now uses PredictionKey and PrefabType instead of only PredictionKey
  • Fixed: OnBeforeSpawned callback is now invoked for predicted spawns when they are successful
  • Fixed: IBeforeClientPredictionReset and IAfterClientPredictionReset are now called properly
  • Fixed: StateAuthorityChanged is now called properly in all cases
  • Fixed: Burst integration parameter call amount and order
  • Fixed: NetworkRigidBody now properly replicates IsKinematic == true to proxies
  • Fixed: NetworkRigidbody now respects and uses Space Local setting
Build 271 (Aug 24, 2021)

What's New

  • QueryTriggerInteraction parameter for lag compensated raycasts (when including PhysX)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Lag compensated API can also be used in shared mode (queries are local to client)
  • Fixed: Bug with invalid message sequence number assert check
  • Fixed: Same bit/byte copy issue on plugin code
  • Fixed: Issue with CloudCommunicator copying memory using bit length instead of byte length of buffer
  • Fixed: A rare memory leak related to connection token
  • Fixed: Incorrect Free order on native socket shutdown that could lead to rare crash
  • Fixed: Minor memory leak on net bit buffer stacks
Build 268 (Aug 23, 2021)

What's New

  • Serialized Accuracy retains hash reference to user defined tags even if those tags are deleted in NetworkProjectConfig, and will use AccuracyDefaults.Default for their value until the tag is restored, or a different tag is selected for the Accuracy's global setting


  • Accuracy struct defaults to AccuracyDefaults.Default rather than AccuracyDefaults.Uncompressed
Build 266 (Aug 20, 2021)

What's New

  • Fusion.CodeGen.Trigger asset that forces weaver to run if AssembliesToWeaver or Accuracy of the project config changes


  • Default prefab asset container changed to "Assets/Photon/Fusion/User/NetworkPrefabAssetContainer.asset"
  • Removed 'Recompile' button from AccuracyDefaults drawer. Will be replaced by auto re-weave when needed after changes to config
Build 265 (Aug 19, 2021)

Breaking Changes

  • OnConnectionRequest callback now takes an additional byte[] token parameter

What's New

  • Added support for a 128 byte connection token
  • Legacy NetworkProjectConfig assets automatic conversion


  • NetworkRunner.Connect now accepts a byte[] token parameter
  • SocketThreadingMode no longer configurable
Build 264 (Aug 19, 2021)

Breaking Changes

  • NetworkProjectConfig format and file extension have changed. If upgrading, select your NetworkProjectConfig asset and click Convert To The New Config Format button

What's New

  • ILWeaver suggest possible NetworkProjectConfig locations is the config is not found in the default location


  • ILWeaver no longer requires global asset text serialization


  • NetworkProjectConfigAsset.Instance.Config removed. Use NetworkProjectConfig.Global instead
Build 263 (Aug 19, 2021)

Breaking Changes

  • Server/Host mode with Client Auth has been removed completely. Client authoritative games are only possible in shared mode from now on. Server/Host mode is always server authoritative
  • Physics Prediction has been removed in Shared Mode

What's New

  • Added Runner.Topology to easily query if you are running in Client/Server or Shared mode


  • PhysicsMode in NetworkProjectConfiguration is now called Server Physics Mode as it does not longer apply to Shared mode
  • ReplicationMode in NetworkProjectConfiguration now only has 'Delta Snapshots' and 'Eventual Consistency', ServerAuth prefixed and ClientAUth prefixed options are removed
  • Removed NetworkRunner.GetActiveSimulationBehaviours, use NetworkRunner.GetAllBehaviours instead
  • HitboxManager no longer runs on FUN if the runner is being shutdown

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Predicted spawns are now factored into RunnerVisibilityNode handling
  • Fixed: Possible NullReferenceException on Hitbox.OnDrawGizmos when the Runner is being shutdown and disposed
Build 262 (Aug 18, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with predictively spawned objects being pre-emptively flagged as failure despite the correct data from server having arrived
  • Fixed: Made sure Despawn cant be called on an object which belongs to another runner
Build 261 (Aug 18, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: 'Add NetworkObject' button on NetworkBehaviour's inspector now works with mutli-selection
Build 260 (Aug 16, 2021)

What's New

  • FUSION_ODIN_EDITOR_ONLY define added, which disables advanced Odin serialization (Sirenix.Serialization). This define needs to be added to your Unity project in order to use Odin's Editor Only mode
  • Added NetworkObject.LastReceiveTick
  • Added Simulation Culling feature
  • Added layer masks to area of interest system


  • NetworkProjectConfig uses scene paths consistently now. However, to ensure backwards and Unity compatibility NetworkProjectConfig.TryGetSceneRef accepts both full scene paths and scene names
  • Renamed 'Player' config setting to 'Default Players' to better convey what it does
  • Removed 'send client input to server' configuration option for client auth mode
  • Renamed UseAreaOfInterest to UseInterestManagement in config

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: PredictionKey does not end up in game state when running in client auth mode anymore
  • Fixed: Empty Room Name when starting Server
    Now, if no Room Name is specified, a Server peer will always create a Room with a random name
  • Fixed: NetworkDebugStart not adding the current scene to NetworkProjectConfig correctly
  • Fixed: Corrected error message about missing compiler define to show correct constant FUSION_BURST
  • Fixed: Issues with RPC forwarding in Shared Mode
Build 259 (Aug 10, 2021)

What's New

  • Improved 'Lite' theme handling for inline-help and headers.
    Simplified inline-help skin to just use basic GUIStyles
    Added graphic source for gui styles/icons


  • HitOptions.DetailedHit is obsolete: lag-compensated queries now always compute detailed info

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: An issue in the computation of the broad-phase volume of lag-compensated hitbox roots with position offset that could cause hitboxes to not be checked
  • Fixed: An issue in the computation of lag-compensated HitboxRoot bounds that could reduce the efficiency of the broad-phase data structure
  • Fixed: An issue in the lag-compensated ray-cast queries against sphere objects when the ray length was set to Mathf.Infinity, float.MaxValue or very large values, causing the hit point to be set at infinity
  • Fixed: Rpcs not being invoked for client authority objects
  • Fixed: Rpc with source=RpcSources.StateAuthority not being invokable in Shared mode
  • Fixed: Inspector handling with inline-help and component headers on Retina/hi-res type displays
    Changed header skins to use basic styles and single textures for simpiler reskinning.
    Saved make files for headers to project
    Added more header color/icon options
    Added Fusion styles to make eventual skinning/look changes later easier
Build 258 (Aug 08, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkBehaviour "Missing NetworkObject" button now correctly adds NetworkObject to transform.root when clicked
Build 257 (Aug 07, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: ILWeaver throwing an exception if an assembly is referenced more than once
  • Fixed: RunWeaver() force saves any changes to the NetworkProjectConfigAsset before weaving
Build 256 (Aug 06, 2021)

What's New

  • Fusion/Run Weaver menu item. Can be run in case of Type Foo has not been weaved runtime error messages
  • Improvements in layout/help on the HitboxRoot component.
    Moved button UI code out of editor and into HitRoot class (trying to avoid editor scripts unless absolutely needed)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Auto-BroadRange button on HitboxRoot handles Box collider types correctly now
  • Fixed: Auto-BroadRange button on HitboxRoot ignores scaling selectively, in agreement with Hitboxes handling of scaling and offset values
Build 255 (Aug 05, 2021)

What's New

  • Added TickTimer.RemainingTime to get the remaining time in seconds
  • Inline-help support for inspector buttons using BehaviourButtonActionAttribute
  • XMLDocumentation added support for tooltip/summary handling for all member types (to allow inline buttons etc to make use of inline help/tooltips)
  • HitboxRoot.SetMinBoundingRadius method that resets the root BroadRadius to be the minimum bounding radius for the current hitboxes.
    The method can be triggered from a new button on the component editor and is automatically called if the root is initialized with a zeroed broad radius


  • FusionInstaller installs com.unity.nuget.mono-cecil instead of the outdated nuget.mono-cecil
  • If the config is not serialized in text mode, ILWeaver emits a warning

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Recompile button in AccuracyDefaults not recompiling everything in Unity 2021.1
  • Fixed: In case of Mono-Cecil being missed, Fusion.CodeGen emits a warnings instead of not compiling
Build 254 (Aug 04, 2021)

What's New

  • Added Interpolator<T>ReaderDelegate to allow access to reading the interpolated data out
  • Added Interpolator<T>.InterpolationDelegate to allow you to override the interpolation delegate


  • Lag Compensated Hitbox and HitboxRoot active states are now decoupled from the GameObject/Behavior states and can be accessed with new get/set methods and properties

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: An issue in the lag-compensated structure that could cause stack overflow when removing entries
  • Fixed: Several fixes for share mode scene objects


Beta Nightly

Build 253 (Aug 03, 2021)

What's New

  • DestroyOrphaned - a way to destroy "non-existent" NOs
  • Support for advanced Odin serialization(such as interfaces) added. Use BehaviourSerializedOdin, SimulationBehaviourSerializedOdin, and NetworkBehaviourSerializedOdin as base classes for the equivalent of Odin's SerializedMonoBehaviour


  • NetworkSceneManager - abstract NetworkSceneManagerBase can now be extended and added to the runner prefab to implement custom scene loading logic

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Derived NetworkedBehaviours will show parent's private [Networked] values in their Networked Properties foldout. (Previously only protected/public values were shown)
  • Fixed: NetworkSceneManager reloading initial scene
  • Fixed: Scene baking for SimulationBehaviours not in NetworkObject hierarchy
  • Fixed: NetworkDebugStart DontDestroyOnLoad - the containing game object unparents itself with a warning
  • Fixed: An issue when a client joins while a scene switch is happening (multiple peers)
  • Fixed: If NetworkDebugStart is parented, move it to root in runtime; otherwise DontDestroyOnLoad won't work
  • Fixed: Map baking - orphaned SimulationBehaviours (i.e. ones without NetworkObjects up the hierarchy) are acceptable
  • Fixed: Removing game objects in multiple peer mode cleans up SharedInstanceUnitySceneRoot correctly
Build 251 (Aug 02, 2021)

What's New

  • InterpolationDataSource.NoInterpolation as an option to disable Fusion handling interpolation for a NetworkBehaviour
  • Added quick setup of basic working 2D scene with menu 'GameObject>Fusion>Setup Basic Fusion Scene 2D'
  • Component header graphics reduced garbage and added more caching. Long component names now gracefully truncate words in order to fit the width of the inspector


  • HitboxManager is now automatically handled by Runner (config moved to NetworkProjectSettings). Instance accessible through Runner.LagCompensation
  • Improved client disconnect behaviour in case of a forcible shutdown (ALT-F4, etc.)
  • Fusion header graphics now display when using BehaviourOdin, NetworkBehaviourOdin and SimulationBehaviourOdin base classes
  • NRB and NRB2D now derive from NetworkRigidbodyBase class
  • Exception message when NetworkBehaviourWeavedAttribute is not found to a more meaningful one
  • SimulationBehaviour.Runner and SimulationBehaviour.Object is now marked as NonSerialized
  • ILWeaver has been moved to a separate assembly (Unity.Fusion.CodeGen) and is now using Unity's ILPostProcessor pipeline. As a result the weaver is now an order of magnitude faster and more reliable. Also, weaving errors are now treated as compile errors (can't be accidentally cleared with the Clear button). If NetworkProjectConfig is not stored in its default location, implement ILWeaverSettings.OverrideNetworkProjectConfigPath in Fusion.CodeGen.User.cs

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkTransformAnchor treats a null parent and a parent which is the MultiPeer root scene object both as null. Fixes teleport hitch when reparenting an object which has the MultiPeer root as its parent the first time
  • Fixed: NetworkCharacterController now uses same Defaults() handling as NetworkTransform, which resolves a teleport from origin occurring on Spawn.
    Renamed SharedInstance to MultiPeer in a few places there were missed
  • Fixed: Spawning position issues related to Defaults() handling in NT/NRB/NCC classes.
    Changed Before/AfterAllTicks from explicit to implicit interface implementations
  • Fixed: Assembly resolve when building using IL2CPP and .NET 4.x on Unity 2021.1+
  • Fixed: Issue with ILWeaver trying to reference mscorelib when netstandard is being used
  • Fixed: ILWeaver referencing .NET core libraries in Unity 2021.1
  • Fixed: Added null checks inside DestroyRemotePrefab to catch cases where unity already destroyed an object but it's still exists in the network id lookup table
  • Fixed: Memory leak relating to un-sent and un-received packets when shutting down
  • Fixed: Memory leak in unity editor when using latency simulation
  • Fixed: Additional memory leaks
  • Fixed: NetworkRigidbody2D functionality restored
  • Fixed: Several issues with packet fragmentation and IPv6
  • Fixed: Issue with new Spawn<T> overload not finding NetworkObject reference properly
  • Fixed: FUSION_WEAVER_DEBUG with UnityEditor weaver compile error
  • Fixed: Unity has hard time parsing call stacks from exceptions logged in ILPP, split them into lines and log individually then
  • Fixed: NetworkObjects are no longer automatically set to DontDestroyOnLoad
  • Fixed: Several memory leaks
Build 246 (Jul 27, 2021)

What's New

  • Added NetworkRunner.Spawn<T>(T prefab) where T : NetworkBehaviour as a complement to NetworkRunner.Spawn(NetworkObject prefab)
  • Added NetworkBehaviour.Interpolator<T>.TryGetValues
Build 245 (Jul 23, 2021)

What's New

  • Double-clicking component header graphic now opens script for editing (same behaviour as the unity default script field)
  • Added support for interpolating user defined networked properties of type float/vector2/vector3/vector4/quaternion

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Importing new Fusion releases should now properly detect existing config files
  • Fixed: An issue in the lag compensated queries performed on the server/host when the state authority is not a client and sub-tick accuracy is set in the query options
Build 244 (Jul 22, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Config files should now be able to create correctly, even with completely missing/deleted/moved resource folders
Build 243 (Jul 22, 2021)


  • SimulationBehaviour.Object and NetworkBehaviour.Object is now assigned for predicted spawned objects

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkObject.IsProxy now checks if object exists also
Build 242 (Jul 22, 2021)

What's New

  • Added NetworkObject.IsPredictedSpawn, Obsoleted NetworkObject.IsPredicted


  • StartGameArgs now allows you to provide an INetworkObjectPool at runtime to set the pool object to use dynamically
  • NetworkObjectPool is now a scriptable object instead of a mono behaviour to allow it to be hooked up in editor inspector
  • Second Despawned parameter "bool hasState" will now be true when running in EC mode, if hasState is true it means you can access the networked state of the object being destroyed
  • Despawned now takes NetworkRunner as first parameter so runner is always accessible during Despawn
  • NetworkObject StateAuthority/InputAuthoirty/IsSceneObject will no longer throw null ref exceptions for un-attached objects

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Removed bandwidth overhead for unused words in input delta compressor
  • Fixed: NetworkRunner.Despawn will now properly check for null object
  • Fixed: NetworkProjectConfig and PhotonConfig assets should not generate correctly when creating a new project
Build 241 (Jul 21, 2021)

What's New

  • Added PlayerRef.PlayerId


  • NetworkObject.IsPredicted is no longer true after object has been confirmed by server
  • Predicted spawned objects now have access to the runner
  • Despawn now takes an optional allowPredicted parameter (defaults to false) which allows you to "despawn" predicted spawned objects on clients also
Build 238 (Jul 20, 2021)

What's New

  • NetworkProjectConfig and PhotonAppSettings assets are now created if they do not exist
  • Added Inspector component graphic headers (replacement for default script field)
  • Added recompile button to AccuracyDefaults with warning when defaults are changed (a recompile is needed before running/building in order to reweave the new accuracy values)


  • Realtime Client Conn Timeout to 30secs
    This aims to prevent unwanted disconnects for long-running sessions
  • Removing NetworkProjectConfig.asset and PhotonAppSettings.asset from the SDK packages
Build 236 (Jul 12, 2021)


  • Removed NetworkTransformParent. Has been replaced with NetworkTransformAnchor for syncing parenting

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Longs and ulongs [Networked] properties causing ILWeaver error
Build 235 (Jul 10, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: NetworkBehaviour's inspector buttons for adding a missing NetworkObject will now allow undo, and should dirty correctly in all use cases
Build 234 (Jul 09, 2021)

What's New

  • Runner.GameInfo
    This property exposes some Photon Cloud metadata like Room Name and current connected Region
  • RpcAttribute.TickAligned - if set to false the Rpc will be handled without waiting for a target's tick to catch up, if there are not any tick aligned Rpcs waiting (order is preserved)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Longs and ulongs as Rpc parameters causing ILWeaver error
  • Fixed: Fusion windows should now remember their state when Unity is restarted
Build 233 (Jul 08, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: ILWeaver error when deriving from NetworkTransformAnchor
Build 232 (Jul 07, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Transient despawned objects are now ignored on lag compensated queries
Build 231 (Jul 06, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: FusionStats are now created last in NetworkDebugStart, and check to see if any active EventSystems exist. Fixes issues with 'multiple event systems' warnings spamming the logs
Build 229 (Jul 02, 2021)


  • NetworkBehaviour.Defaults now take two parameters: afterSpawned and isLocalSpawn
  • Renamed AppIdRealtime to AppIdFusion in Photon App Settings scriptable object
  • Photon Realtime SDK to v4.1.6.3

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issues with transform.position not being consistent in Spawned callback between server/client in server mode, and also not being consistent in client auth mode
Build 228 (Jul 01, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with [Accuracy(0)] on Vector2/Vector3/Quaternion
  • Fixed: Bug with objects spawned by re-used player indices not showing up for other clients in shared mode
  • Fixed: Weaver issue with static fields on structs implementing INetworkStruct
Build 227 (Jun 30, 2021)

Breaking Changes

  • Added ShutdownReason to OnShutdown Event
    You must modify any INetworkRunnerCallbacks to include the extra param on the OnShutdown callback

What's New

  • Added shortcuts for 'Rebuild Object Table' and 'Import Scenes From Build Settings' to the Fusion menu in Unity
  • Added AlwaysShowStats boolean setting on NetworkDebugStart
  • Added area of interest support for shared mode
  • Added transform parenting support to NetworkTransform/NetworkRigidbody/NetworkCharacterController
  • Added Teleport to NetworkRigidbody and NetworkCharacterController


  • Renamed NetworkAreaOfInterestBehaviour.PositionOffset to NetworkAreaOfInterestBehaviour.PositionWordOffset
Build 226 (Jun 29, 2021)

What's New

  • Added NetworkRunner.RequestStateAuthority and NetworkRunner.ReleaseStateAuthority

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Object destruction when clients leave in shared mode
Build 223 (Jun 25, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: "Could not load NetworkProjectConfigAsset" errors after importing package on some Unity versions
Build 222 (Jun 24, 2021)

What's New

  • Added NetworkObject.RemoveInputAuthority and NetworkObject.RemoveStateAuthority

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Weaver will now longer throw an exception when Accuracy is specified with a double
Build 221 (Jun 23, 2021)


  • Callback interfaces like ISceneLoaded, IPlayerJoined, IBeforeAllTicks, etc. will no longer be invoked on behaviours which are not enabled

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: An issues in the Lag-Compensated system when adding the first HitboxRoot object to a Manager that started with no initial objects
  • Fixed: Issue with NetworkRigidbody throwing errors when physics mode is set to None
Build 220 (Jun 22, 2021)

What's New

  • RaycastAll to lag compensated queries


  • NetworkRigidbody now automatically disabled the built in unity rigidbody interpolation, if NetworkRigidbody is used fusion takes care of all interpolation for that rigidbody
  • Changed order of SyncDragMass and InterpolationTarget in inspector for NetworkRigidbody
  • Networked Properties in inspector now use a default closed foldout, monitoring these values can cause performance issues in the editor with complex NetworkBehaviours

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: SinglePlayer Mode
  • Fixed: IL2CPP memory alignment issue on android
Build 218 (Jun 19, 2021)


  • Runtime and Baked info exposed in the NetworkObject inspector
Build 217 (Jun 18, 2021)

What's New

  • Lag compensated query for past pos/rot of any specific hitbox (two overloads: based on tick, or on player reference view)


  • Improved documentation and ease of interpolation configuration options

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: All issues with nested INetworkInput and INetworkStruct types
  • Fixed: Minor issue in interpolation time jitter delta calculation where a small amount of delta time would sometimes be discarded
Build 216 (Jun 17, 2021)

What's New

  • Implemented new ingame stats


  • NetworkDebugStart Auto mode will never show menu. Use Manual or UserInterface settings to start clients

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: MaxPlayers connected to a Dedicated Server
  • Fixed: NetworkDebugStart menu for StartClients and StartClient working again
  • Fixed: Bug where client side prediction time would get stuck in very high prediction offset in rare cases
  • Fixed: Bug where client side prediction time would get stuck in very high prediction offset in rare cases
  • Fixed: Assert bug in SmoothRandom constructor
Build 215 (Jun 16, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue with NetworkBehaviourUtils marked as private causing issues when weaving certain RPCs
Build 214 (Jun 15, 2021)

What's New

  • Added NetworkRunner.GetAllBehaviours<T> API to get all active network/simulation behaviours of a certain type
  • IRunnerVisibilityRecognizedType can be added to Monobehaviours to flag them for inclusion in the RunnerVisibility system


  • Obsoleted GetActiveSimulationBehaviours for GetAllBehaviours

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: SinglePlayer mode start
Build 213 (Jun 14, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Networked Properties UI added handling for [Neworked] pointer types
Build 211 (Jun 11, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Nanosockets for macOS
  • Fixed: Singleplayer game sdtart
Build 208 (Jun 09, 2021)
  • Initial beta release


  • Cleared alpha changelog
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